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_Apollo physician

tamoadmin 2024-09-08 人已围观

简介1.医学生誓言的经典的希波克拉底誓言2.希波克拉底誓言 英文太字组词 :太常、国太、太仆、太玄、太皞、太素、太真、太华、太宁、太始、太岳、三太、太皇、阿太、太易、太孙、太乐、太蔟、太王、太皓、太祝、太卜、太翁、太博、太宫、太无、太室、太府、太母、太羹、太璞、太官、太帝、太社、太章、太朴、通太、太半、太昭。常用词组:太阿倒持tài‘ē-dàochí[surrender one‘s power to


2.希波克拉底誓言 英文

_Apollo physician

太字组词 :太常、国太、太仆、太玄、太皞、太素、太真、太华、太宁、太始、太岳、三太、太皇、阿太、太易、太孙、太乐、太蔟、太王、太皓、太祝、太卜、太翁、太博、太宫、太无、太室、太府、太母、太羹、太璞、太官、太帝、太社、太章、太朴、通太、太半、太昭。

常用词组:太阿倒持tài'ē-dàochí[surrender one's power to another as who holds the sword backward] 把太阿宝剑倒着拿,比喻以把柄授与人,自身反面临危险或灾害。

1、太白?tàibái,?[vesper;Venus]∶星名,即金星,又称“长庚”、“启明”察日行以处位太白。——《史记·天官书》[Mount Taibai]∶山名,秦岭主峰,位于陕西省眉县东南。西当太白有鸟道,可以横绝峨眉巅。—— 李白《蜀道难》

[Taipai]∶经穴名。出《灵枢·本输》。属足太阴脾经。输(原)穴。位于足内侧缘,当第一跖骨小头后下方凹陷处。主治胃痛,腹胀,吐泻,痢疾等。直刺0.5—1寸。灸 3—5分钟。

2、太半?tàibàn,[more than half] 超过半数以上死者太半。——《资治通鉴》

3、太保?tàibǎo,?[Assistant Grand Tutor;Grand Tutor to crownprince]∶古三公之一,位次太傅。亦指太子太保,为辅导太子之官。[temple curate;medium]∶宋、元时对庙祝、巫师的称呼

[heroes of the greenwood;brigands]∶对绿林好汉的尊称 [servant]∶对仆役的尊称[juvenile delinquent]∶男流氓

4、太仓一粟?tàicāng-yīsù,[insignificant] 大谷仓中的一粒小米,比喻非常渺小

5、太常?tàicháng,[an offical who controls ritual,god of land and god of grains] 官名,掌礼乐郊庙社稷事宜,献之太常。——明· 刘基《郁离子·千里马篇》

6、太常公?Tàichánggōng,[paternal grandfather of Gui Youguang' grand inother who hold an office Xuande times] 指归有光祖母的祖父夏昶,他在宣德年间曾任太常寺卿,吾祖太常公。——明· 归有光《项脊轩志》

7、太夫人?tàifūren,[offical's mother] 汉制列侯之母称太夫人,后来凡官僚豪绅的母亲不论在世与否,均称太夫人,太夫人已不幸。——《汉书·李文苏建传》上书太夫人。——清· 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》

8、太傅?tàifù,[a power offical] 官名。三公之一,职很高遣太傅赍黄金。——《战国策·齐策四》

9、太公tàigōng,(1)太字辈,家庭辈份成员:太>公>父>我。太公和太婆,即爷爷的爸爸和妈妈,常见于南方四代同堂的辈份称呼,如:粤语的广西、广东、香港等[great-grandfather] 〈方〉∶曾祖父[grandfather]∶祖父,候太公太母起居。

——清· 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》[father]∶父亲,也用来尊称别人的父亲,[greatly esteemed elder]∶对老者尊称

10、太古?tàigǔ,[remote antiguity] 最古老的时代

11、太后?tàihòu,[mother of an emperor;empress dowager] 帝王的母亲,赵太后新用事。—— 《战国策》(此指赵孝成王之母)太后御玺

12、太湖?Tài Hú,[Taihu] 中国第三大淡水湖。位于江苏省南部,正常水位时2250平方公里。周围河流水网密布,为著名游览区

13、太极拳?tàijíquán,[ tai ji quan (slow-motion Chinese boxing; shadow boxing)] 中国传统武术项目之一,动作柔缓,可用于拳击和健身,流传区域很广

14、太监?tàijiàn,[court eunch] 宦官,与太监某守辽东。—— 明· 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》

15、太空?tàikōng,[the outer space],地球大气层以外的区域,太阳系以外的所有宇宙,?[sky]∶天空,时时有一缕愁烦,像澄清的太空中的云翳一样,沾污了心的明净。——叶圣陶《倪焕之》

16、太庙?tàimiào,[Royal Ancestral Temple] 封建皇帝为祭拜祖先而营建的庙宇,入于太庙。——宋· 欧阳修《伶官传》

17、太母?tàimǔ,[grandmother]祖母,候太公太母起居。——清· 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》泛称皇帝的母亲和祖母

18、太平?tàipíng,[peace and tranquility] 社会安定,安于太平之乐。——宋· 苏轼《教战守》

19、太平间?tàipíngjiān,[mortuary;morgue] 医院中停放尸体的房间

20、太平盛世?tàipíng-shèngshì,[piping times of peace;times of peace and prosperity] 社会秩序平定、国家兴旺发达的时代,余谓太平盛世,元夕张灯,不为过侈。——明· 沈德符《章枫山封事》

21、太平梯?tàipíngtī,[fire escape] 楼房、仓库、公共场所为在火灾发生时便于疏散、营救而在墙外设置的楼梯

22太平天国?Tàipíng Tiānguó,[the Taiping Heenly Kingdom] 1851年在广西桂平县金田村爆发了由洪秀全、杨秀清、冯云山等人领导的农民起义,建立“太平天国”,1853年定都天京(今南京),势力发展到17个省,后为清和外国势力联合所败

23、太平洋?Tàipíng Yáng,[Pacific Ocean] 水域的最大划分单元,面积达一亿六千五百万平方公里,占海洋总面积的46%。太平洋西部以亚洲和大洋洲为界,东部以北美洲与南美洲为界

24、太平御览?Tàipíng Yùlǎn,[Tai Ping Yu Lan (Taiping Imperial Encyclopaedia)] 宋代的类书。宋太宗时李昉等人辑,共 1000 卷,分 55 门,引证书籍多至 1690 种,其中汉人的传记、旧地志,都是失传之书

25、太婆?tàipó,[great-grandmother] 〈方〉∶曾祖母,[grandmother]∶祖母

26、太上皇?tàishànghuáng,[empera's father who abdicated in four of his son]∶皇帝之父

,[overlord;supreme ruler backstage ruler]∶比喻实际上掌握权力、自己不出面而操纵别人进行活动的人

27、太上老君?Tàishàng Lǎojūn,[Laotse] 对道家创始人李聃的敬称

28、太上之忘情?tàishàng zhī wàng qíng,[persons who he the best cultivation may forget the feelings of passions of delight,anger,sorrow and hiness] 熟语,古人有“太上忘情”之说,意思是修养最高的人可以忘记喜怒哀乐之情,也就是没有感情的意思。

“之”,结构助词,用在主谓之间,取消独立性不能学太上之忘情。——清· 林觉民《与妻书》

29、太甚?tàishèn,[too far;too much] 太过分;过甚

30、太师tàishī,[Grand Tutor] 官名,西周置,为辅弼国君之臣,历代相因,以太师、太傅、太保为三公,多为大官的加衔,无实际的职权。后又指太子太师,即辅导太子之官

31、太师椅?tàishīyǐ,[old-fashioned wooden arm chair] 老式宽大、带靠背、扶手的木制椅子

32、太史?tàishǐ,[an official who holds astronom and calendar]∶官名。三代为史官与历官之宅,朝廷大臣。后职位渐低,秦称太史令,汉属太常,掌天文历法。魏晋以后太史仅掌管推算历法。至明清两朝,修史之事由翰林院负责,又称翰林为太史

[Historical Records written by Si Maqian]∶指司马迁所著的《史记》参之太史。——唐· 柳宗元《柳河东集》

33、太史令?tàishǐlìng,[an official who holds astonom and calendar] 官名。掌管天文历算等


34、太守?tàishǒu,[prefect] 汉朝设立的一郡最高行政主管官吏。隋唐后的刺史、知府也别称太守

太守即遣人。——晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》,太守自谓也。——宋· 苏轼《教战守》太守与客来饮。


35、太岁?tàisuì,[ancient name for the planet Jupiter]∶木星的别称,古代用它围绕太阳公转的周期纪年,一周是十二年。[star god presiding over the year]∶传说中神名。古代迷信,认为太岁之神在地,与天上岁星(木星)相应而行,因此兴建工程等要躲开太岁的方位,否则就要不吉利。

[local tyrant]∶旧时对土豪的憎称镇山太岁

36、太岁头上动土?tàisuì tóushang dòng tǔ,[provoke sb. far superior in power or strength;scratch Buddhas head] 比喻冒犯有权、有势、不好惹的人。

37、太太?tàitai,[Mrs.;madame] 对已婚妇女的尊称(带丈夫的姓)“有位杜太太给您留了口信”

38、太息tàixī,[he a deep sign] 即“叹气”。生理现象。以呼气为主的深呼吸。正常人的呼吸中,一呼一吸称为一息,一息脉动四次,三息之后有一次深呼吸,脉五动,脉诊上称为“闰以太息”。

病理情况下,若患者频频吸气,称为善太息,它是一个症状,可由肝胆郁结,肺气不宜引起。表示某种感情,陈涉太息回。——《史记·陈涉世家》感动太息。——清· 张廷玉《明史》

39、太虚?tàixū,?[heen]∶天,天空[the great void;the universe]∶古代哲学概念,指宇宙的原始的实体气。

40、太学?tàixué,[the highest seat of learning in ancient times in China] 中国古代最高学府,即国学观太学。——《后汉书·张衡传》诸生学于太学。——明· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》君则在太学。

41、太阳?tàiyáng,[sun;sol]∶地球等行星围绕它公转的恒星,是由本身引力吸引在一起的直径为 1.4×10^6 公里的气体球,其内部深处热核反应把氢聚变为氦而释放出能量。太阳升,太阳[Taiyang] [中医],?经外穴名,即颞颥

42、太阳灯tàiyángdēng,[sun arc]∶摄制影片时用的大型灯具,它用抛物面镜反射光线。[sunlight lamp;sunlamp]∶设计来发射由紫外线到红外线各种波长射线的电灯,尤用于治疗或人工地使皮肤呈棕色。[sun burner]∶过去用于大房间照明的一圈或一族煤气灯头。

43、太阳能?tàiyángnéng,[solar energy] 以电磁辐射形式从太阳输送来的能量。如:太阳能电池就是把太阳能直接转变为电能的一种装置。

44、太阳年?tàiyángnián,[year]∶地球环绕太阳公转一次所需的约365 1/4太阳日的周期,一般以太阳回到同一部分天区或季节循环来表示。[solar year]∶依据太阳量度的年的长度


[Helios;Apollo;Sol] 在各种宗教中代表太阳或成为太阳人格化的神。

46、太阳时?tàiyángshí,[solar time] 以太阳表示的视时或平时;以平太阳时的单位表示的时间

47、太阳系?tàiyángxì,[solar system] 太阳和由它的引力吸住并围绕它旋转的天体群(指行星、小行星、卫星、彗星、陨星等等)

48、太阳穴?tàiyángxué,[temple] 人和某些其他哺乳动物头两侧的区域,在眼和前额之后,颧弓之上,耳之前,亦称“颞颥”

49、太爷?tàiyé,?[grandfather]∶祖父,[great grandfather] 〈方〉∶曾祖父,[district magistrate]∶旧称县官

50、太医?tàiyī,[imperial physician] 封建社会专为帝王和宫廷官员等服务的医生,太医以王命聚之。——唐· 柳宗元《捕蛇者说》

51、太阴?tàiyīn,[moon] 〈方〉∶月亮

52、太阴历?tàiyīnlì,[lunar calendar] 阴历。一种历法,其历月的长短依据天象而定,平均值大致等于朔望月,大月三十日,小月二十九日

53、太元?Tàiyuán,[title of the emperor XiaoWu' reign in Dong Jing Dynasty] 东晋孝武帝司马曜的年号(公元376—396年)晋太元中 武陵人。—— 晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》

54、太原?Tàiyuán,[Taiyuan] 中国山西省省会。位于省中部,汾河纵贯,面积3044平方公里,人口 177万。省政治、经济文化中心,最大的工业城市,以冶金、煤炭、化工为主

55、太祝?tàizhù,[an offical who holds to offer sacrifice to gods or ancesters] 官名。为太常寺的官,主管祭祀,为太祝奉礼听事已宽。——宋· 司马光《训俭示康》

56、太子?tàizǐ,[crown prince] 已确定继承帝位或王位的帝王的儿子,太子月恐惧。——《战国策·燕策》有以报太子。荆轲知太子不忍。请立太子为王。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》

57、太子港?Tàizǐgǎng,[Portan-Prince] 海地共和国首都

58、太子太保?tàizǐtàibǎo,[officer who tutors the crown prince] 官名。辅导太子的官。赠太子太保。——清· 张廷玉《明史》

59、太宗?tàizōng,[the second empiror since founding of a country] 开国第二代皇帝

高祖太宗法。——宋· 王谠《雅量》

60、太祖?tàizǔ,[genaral term of an emperor who found a state] 开国皇帝的通称

遵太祖法。——清· 张廷玉《明史》



The World's Crazy Sport: Soccer足球

Game in which two 11-member teams try to propel a ball into the opposing team's goal, using any part of the body except the hands and arms. Only the goalkeeper, when positioned within the penalty area in front of the goal, may use hands and arms.?

The game's first uniform set of rules was put in place in 1863, when England's Football Association was created.?

Professional leagues began earing in the late 1880s, first in England and then in other countries. The Fédération International de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in 1904, and has hosted the World Cup every four years since 1930.?

Football has been included in the Olympic Games since 1908. Now played on all continents in over 150 nations, with over 40 million registered players, it is the world's most popular ball game.


The World's Fastest Racket Sport: Badminton羽毛球

As far back as the 5th century BC, the Chinese were playing Ti Jian Zi, or shuttle-kicking, a game played with the feet. The shuttlecock was there, but it remains unclear whether it led to the game of battledore and shuttlecock that arose about five centuries later in China, Japan, India and Greece.?

The battledores were the early versions of today's racquets. By the 1600s, battledore and shuttlecock had developed into a popular children's game. It soon became a fourite pastime of nobles and the leisured classes of many European countries, becoming known as "jeu de volant" on the continent.

Badminton was contested as a demonstration sport during the 12 Olympic Games in Munich. It debuted as a full medal sport in 1992 at Barcelona.?

Men and women compete at the Olympics in both singles and doubles, and the events he been dominated by Indonesia, China, and Korea. It is recorded that the fastest speed of badminton is 332 kilometres per hour which is made by Chinese double men's players Fu Haifeng.


Basketball. The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began. No, somebody had to he invented it. And that somebody would be James Naismith.

Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891. Naismith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport.?

The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season. Naismith began to work. The first game-ball was a ball.

The first baskets were peach baskets that Naismith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall. From there, the legacy of basketball began. Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then. From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire.

During 1885 highschools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898, the first Pro League was founded. After the first game played, Naismith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but many more were yet to come. The hoops we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net hanging from it's rim.

希波克拉底誓言 英文






“I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfil according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art - if they desire to learn it - without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who he signed the covenant and he taken an oath according to the medical law, but no one else.

I will ly dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in for of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of ual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or sles. What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.”

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习




Hippocratic Oath:

I swear by Apollo the Physician and by Asclepius and by Health and Panacea and by all the gods as well as goddesses, making them judges [witnesses], to bring the following oath and written covenant to ful- fillment, in accordance with my power and my judgment; to regard him who has taught me this techne as equal to my parents, and to share, in partnership, my livelihood with him and to give him a share when he is in need of necessities, and to judge the offspring [ing] from him equal to [my] male siblings, and to teach them this techne, should they desire to learn [it], without fee and written covenant, and to give a share both of rules and of lectures, and of all the rest of learning, to my sons and to the [sons]of him who has taught me and to the pupils who he both make a written contract and sworn by a medical convention but by no other.

And I will use regimens for the benefit of the ill in accordance with my ability and my judgment, but from [what is] to their harm or injustice I will keep [them].

And I will not give a drug that is deadly to anyone if asked [for it], nor will I suggest the way to such a counsel. And likewise I will not give a woman a destructive pessary.

And in a pure and holy way . will guard my life and my techne.

I will not cut, and certainly not those suffering from stone, but I will cede [this] to men [who are] practitioners of this activity. Into as many houses as I may enter, I will go for the benefit of the ill, while being far from all voluntary and destructive injustice, especially from ual acts both upon women's bodies and upon men's, both of the free and of the sles.

And about whatever I may see or hear in treatment, or even without treatment, in the life of human beings -- things that should not ever be blurted out outside --I will remain silent, holding such things to be unutterable [sacred, not to be divulged],

If I render this oath fulfilled, and if I do not blur and confound it [making it to no effect] may it be [granted] to me to enjoy the benefits both of life and of techne, being held in good repute among all human beings for time eternal.

If, however, I transgress and purjure myself, the opposite of these