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ysladmin 2024-06-22 人已围观

简介8时间special_2024天猫618时间       非常感谢大家聚集在这里共同探讨8时间special的话题。这个问题集合涵盖了8时间special的广泛内容,我将用我的知识和经验为大家提供全面而深入的回答。1.8ʱ??specia








       只有英语。 仅供参考。














       1:Which boy is Peter?

       2:Why his legs do not fit under the school desks?

       3:Betty and I may not get to see each other often.

       4:The boy called Jim wants to see you

       5:Do you think climbing is as exciting as skating?



















       1:is different from

       2:is more boring than

       3:the tallest of

       4:more subjects than


       like classes How many library have

















       1:Nancy went to Suzhou by train last year .

       2:She like her mother and likes her mother too.

       3:Linda,don't tell anyone about the matter .

       4:There are more than two hundred places of interest from Beijing.

       5:It is fine ,but he don't go out and stay at home.



       2:6:00 a.m

       3:6:30 a.m





























       3:is going to be


       5:don't will fall


       1:join the school trip

       2:feel sick

       3:make a home page

       4:take a underground to go to work


       1:What exciting news it is!

       2:for the first time

       3:What did the teacher tell you not to do?

       4:How often do you do a bird count a year?













       2:to make



       5:are watching

       6:will finish



       1:go birdwatching

       2:make space for

       3:have nowhere to live

       4:gives me some advice

       5:at a time


       1:different from

       2:If don't

       3:made of

       4:won't any more

       5:without help

       6:rained heavily

       7:because of its colourful feathers

       8:endangered birds


       1:Jiangsu Dafeng is an idea home for Elaphurus davidianus.

       2:He will arrive at 8 this morning.

       3:l think running is not as exciting as driving.

       4:The weather in Kunming is warm and wet aii year round.

       5:We welcome visitors from around the world to Suzhou to visit.

       6:I look out of the window and saw that people being rushed to remove the snow.


       1:telephone return

       2:was wrote

       3:not to make










       4:These dogs often came near humans to steal some food.

       5:The dogs helped them to hunt.They could smell and hear danger before people could. They helped keep people warm on cold nights.

















       (1) 一般现在时 表示现阶段经常或习惯发生的动作或存在的状态,或说明主语的特征。

       ① 一般现在时句子中常有的时间状语:often,usually,sometimes,always,every (day等), once/twice,a (week等), on (Sunday等),never,in the (morning等)。如:They go to the Palace Museum once a year.(他们每年去一次故宫)/ They often discuss business in the evening.(他们经常在晚上商谈生意)

       ② 表示客观真理、事实、人的技能或现在的状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。如:The earth turns round the sun.(地球绕着太阳转)/ Light travels faster than sound.(光传播比声音快)

       ③ 表示十分确定会发生(如安排好的事情)或按照时间表进行的事情,用一般现在可以表达将来,句子中可以有将来时间。如:The train for Haikou leaves at 8:00 in the morning.(开往汉口的列车上午8点开车)

       ④ 在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件状语从句中(以if,unless引导),用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句子可以有将来时间。如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany.(你一到德国就给我打电话) / If it rains tomorrow,we will have to stay at home.(如果明天下雨我们就只好呆在家)

       ⑤ 一般现在时用于倒装句中可以表示正在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。如:Here comes the bus. (车来了) / There goes the bell.(铃响了)。

       ⑥ 一般现在时常用于体育比赛的解说或寓言故事中。Now the midfield player catches the ball and he keeps it.

       ⑦ 人的心理活动和感官动作一般用一般现在时而不用现在进行时表达,常见动词有:like, love, hate, dislike, want, wish, hope, think(认为),understand, remember, forget, mean, need, hear, feel, see. 如:I think it is going to snow.(我想天要下雪了)/ I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(我真的希望你愉快地呆在这儿)

       (2) 一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能经常


       ① 表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning),(ten minutes) ago, when引导的时间状语从句。如:I got up at 6:00 this morning.(我是早上六点钟起床的)/ Little Tom broke the window at half past nine this morning.(小汤姆今天早上九点半把窗子打破了)/ When he went into the room,he saw a stranger talking with his father.(他走进房间时发现一个陌生人正和他父亲谈话)

       ② 表示过去一段时间内不知何时发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:yesterday, last (year等), in (1998 等)。如:He came to our city in the year 2000.(他2000年来到我们市)

       ③ 表示过去一个阶段中经常发生的事情时,时间状语有:last…, in…, from…to…, for(10 years),often,usually, sometimes, always, never等。如:Mr Jackson usually went to evening schools when he was young. / Every day he went to the rich man and borrowed books from him.

       ④ 讲故事、对过去经历的回忆、双方都明白的过去事件等一般用过去时,而且经常省略时间状语。如:I happened to meet Rose in the street.(我正好在街上遇到露西)

       (3) 一般将来时 表示将来某一时刻或经常发生的动作或状态。

       ①一般将来时的时间状语有:tomorrow,this (afternoon),next (year),one day,now,soon,

       someday,sometime, in the future, when引导的从句等。

       ② 用will构成的将来时,表示动作与人的主观愿望无关。“shall”用于第一人称,“will”

       用于所有人称。如:I will graduate from this school soon.(我很快就要从这所中学毕业了)/ You will stay alone after I leave.(我走了之后你就要一个人过了)

       ③ “am/is/are going to+动词原形”表示打算或准备要做的事情,或者主观判断即将要发生的事情,而“am/is/are to +动词原形”表示安排或计划中的动作。如:A man told them that the woman was to give birth to the special baby.(有一个人告诉他们那个妇女就会生下那个特别的男孩)/ It’s going to rain soon.(天快要下雨了)

       ④ 表示一个人临时决定要做某事,可以用will表达。如:I will go to the lab to get some

       chemicals(化学药剂). So please wait until I return.(我要到化学实验室去取些药品,请等我回头)

       ⑤ 现在进行时、一般现在时也可以表示将来。(见相应时态)

       ⑥ shall和will 在口语的一些疑问句中相当于情态动词。Shall一般与第一人称连用,will与第二人称连用。如:Shall we go to the zoo next Saturday?(我们下周六去动物园好吗?)/ Will you please open the door for me?(替我把门打开好吗?)

        ⑦ “be to +动词原形”表示按照计划将要发生的事情。如:An angel came to tell her that she was to have this special boy. 

       (4)现在进行时 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作或是现阶段正发生而此刻不一定在进行的动作。

       ① 现在进行时由“助动词be (am is are ) +现在分词”构成。

       ② 现在进行时的时间状语有: now, this …, these…等,但经常不用。如:What are you doing up in the tree?(你在树上干什么?)/ I am writing a long novel these days.(我最近在写一本长篇小说)

       ③ 表示即将发生的动作,一般指近期安排好的事情。常见的动词有:come, go, stay, leave, spend, do等。如:I’m coming now.(我就来)/ What are you doing tomorrow?(你明天干什么?)/ He is leaving soon.(他就要走了)

       ④ 表示频繁发生或反复进行的动作,常与always等频度副词连用,以表示赞扬、不满或讨厌等感情色彩。如:He is always borrowing money from me and forgetting all about it some time later.(他老是向我借钱,过一些时候就忘得一干二净)

       (5)过去进行时 过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某阶段正在进行的动作。

       ① 过去进行时由“was(第一、三人称单数)或were(第二人称单数和各人称的复数)+现在分词”构成。

       ② 过去进行时的时间状语有:then, at that time, this time yesterday, at (eight) yesterday (morning),(a year) ago, 以及由when引出的时间状语从句。如:He was cooking supper this time yesterday.(昨天这个时候他正在做晚饭)/ The little girl was playing with her toy when I saw her.(我看到小女孩的时候她正在玩玩具)

       ③ 用于宾语从句或时间状语从句中,表示与主句动作同时进行而且是延续时间较长。句子中通常不用时间状语。如:She was it happen when she was walking past.(她路过时看到事情的发生)/ They sang a lot of songs while they were walking in the dark forest.(他们在黑暗的森林里走时唱了很多歌)

       ④ 也可以表示过去一个阶段频繁发生或反复进行的动作,常与always等频度副词连用,以表示赞扬、不满或讨厌等感情色彩。如:He was always borrowing money from me when he lived here.(他住在这里时老向我借钱)

       (6)现在完成时 现在完成时表示一个发生在过去的、对现在仍有影响的动作,或表示开始在过去,并且一直延续到现在,甚至还可能延续下去的动作。

       ①在完成时由“助动词have (has)+动词的过去分词”构成。

       ②表示发生在过去的对现在仍有影响的动作时,时间状语有:already, yet, just, once, twice,ever, never,three times, before等。如:I have never seen such fine pictures before. (我以前从来没有看过这么好的画)/ He has just gone to England.(他刚去英国)

       ③表示在过去开始一直延续到现在(可能延续下去)的动作或状态时,时间状语有:for (two years),since 1990, since (two weeks ago)和since引导的状语从句。如:I have been away from my hometown for thirty years.(我离开家乡有30年了)/ Uncle Wang has worked in the factory since it opened.(自从这家工厂开张,王叔叔一直在那儿工作)

       ④口语中have got往往表示have(有)的意思。如:They have got thousands of books in their library.(他们图书馆有上万本书)

       ⑤have been to与have gone to的区别:have gone to(“已经去了”)表示人不在这里,have been to(“去过”)表示人在这里。如:--Where is Mr Li? –He has gone to the UK.(李先生在哪里?他去了英国。)/ --Do you know something about Beijing? –Yes,I have been to Beijing three times. (你知道北京的情况吗?是的,我去过那里三次。)


       瞬间性动词的完成时 → 延续性动词或状态动词的完成时

       have (already) gone to… have been in / at … for (two years)

       has   come to… has been here since (1990)

       (had)   left… (had) been away from…  

           arrived…   been in…  

           died   been dead  

           begun   been on  

           ended   been over  

           bought...   had…  

           borrowed…   kept…  

           joined…   been in …  


       It is / has been + (多久)+ since + 主语(人)+谓语(过去时)+……+过去时间状语

        [注意] 在其它的时态中也存在类似问题,记住,关键是:瞬间动词不能和表达一段时间的状语连用。如:How long may I keep the book?(这本书我能借多久?)(句子中keep取代了borrow)

       (7) 过去完成时 过去完成时表示过去某一时间或某一动作发生之前已经完成的动作。简言之, 过去完成时所表示的时间是“过去的过去”。


       ②过去完成时时间状语有:by (yesterday), by then, by the end of (last…)或者由when,before等引出状语从句。有时句子中会有already, just, once, ever, never等词语,也会有for… 或since…构成的时间状语。如:They had already finished cleaning the classroom when their teacher came.(当老师来的时候他们已经打扫完了教室)/ The woman had left before he realized she was a cheat.(在他发觉那个妇女是个骗子时她已经走掉了)

       ③过去完成时常用于宾语从句中、after引导的从句中,或者从句是before引导的主句中。如:After I had put on my shoes and hat,I walked into the darkness.(我穿上鞋子戴上帽子走进了黑暗之中)/ He said that he had never seen a kangaroo before.(他说他以前从来没有见过袋鼠)

       (8) 过去将来时 过去将来时表示在过去预计将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

       ①过去将来时由“助动词should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)+动词原形”构成。在美国英语中,过去将来时的助动词一律用“would +动词原形”。

       ②过去将来时常由于宾语从句中,时间状语有:later, soon, the next (day).

       ③在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中不可以使用过去将来时,而应该使用一般过去时。如:He promised that he would pay me a lot if I helped him with the project.(他答应付给我许多钱如果我帮助他搞那个项目)/ Every time when he was free,he would sit down and read some books.(每次只要他有空他就会坐下来看看书)

       ④表示纯粹的将来时用would或should,表示打算或主观认为的事情用was/were going to (+动词原形)。如:She told me she would be 18 the next month.(她告诉我她下个月就18岁了)/ She told me that she was going to have a walk with her pet dog.(她告诉我她打算带她的宠物狗去散步)

       ⑤过去将来时还可以表示一个过去经常性的动作。如:When it rained in the day, he would bring an umbrella with him.(白天下雨时他会随身带一把雨伞)

        (9)现在完成进行时:现在完成进行时指一个从过去就开始一直延续到现在并由可能继续下去的动作,它具有现在完成时和现在进行时双重特征,结构是:“have/has + been +动词的现在分词”。如:I have been swimming in the cold water for about two hours.(我已经在冰冷的水里游了将近两个小时)/ How long have you been waiting here?(你在这里一直等了多久?)




        1.Where did you go on vacation?


        2. Long time no see.


        3. Did you go anywhere interesting?


        4. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.


        5. Everything was excellent.


        6. I bought something for my father.


        7. How did you like it?


        8. I arrived at Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.


        9. For lunch, we had something very special.


        10.but many of the old buildings are still there.


        11. My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.


        12. And because of the bad weather , we couldn?t see anything below.



        构成:由some, any, no, every分别加上-body, -thing, -one构成的不定代词叫做合成不定代词;加上-where构成副词。



        Nobody will listen to him. He wants something to eat.


        There is nothing wrong with the TV.

        Everybody likes reading.

        (3)some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中; any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句中。


        Someone is calling me.

        There isn?tanyone else there.

        Is anybody over there?

        Could you give me something to eat?


        There is something delicious on the table.

        (5)somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere用作副词。

        Flowers come out everywhere.

        注:①形容词修饰不定代词要后置:anything special



        (一) 重点句型

        1.-----What do you usually do on weekends?

        -----I often go to the movies.

        (1) on weekends/on the weekend在周末

        (2) go to the movies 去看**

        (3) 第一个do 助动词 第二个do 实意动词

        2. hardly ever 几乎从不 hardly ever 相当于hardly, ever起强调作用。

        hardly 为副词,意为?几乎不没有)?,相当于almost not,本身具有否定含义,不能再使用其他否定词。

        E.g. She hardly eats anything.

        辨析: hardly 和hard




        (1) The ground is too dig

        (2) I can understand them.

        (3) It's raining ,the people can go outside.

        3. ----How often do you watch TV?

        ----Twice a week.

        (1) how often 意为?多久一次,多长时间一次?,用来提问频率。

        (2) twice a week 一周两次

        拓展: 一次once 两次twice 三次或三次以上基数词+ times

        three times four times

        4. What's your favorite program? = What program do you like best?


        5. How come?怎么回事?怎么会?

        表示某件事情很奇怪,有点想不通;可单独使用,也可引导一个问句。相当于疑问词why。但how come 开头的特殊疑问句使用的仍是陈述语序。

        How come you didn't tell me about it? = Why you didn't tell me about it?

        6. I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我也许一个月去看一次**。

        maybe 副词,意为?或许,大概,可能?,常位于句首。

        E.g. Maybe he knows the way to the park.

        辨析:maybe 与may be


        may be 属于?情态动词+be 动词?结构,意为?可能是?。

        (1) The baby is crying she is hungry.

        (2) The woman a teacher .

        7. Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.

        ask ab. about sth. 询问某人某事

        8. We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week.


        (1) other: adj. 其他的+名词

        the other: adj. 其他的+名词(在特定的范围内)

        one?the other?一个?另一个

        E.g. One of them is blue,the other ones are purple.


        others: 其他的东西 the others: 其他的东西(在特定的范围内)

        E.g. One of the children likes reading,the others like singing. 后句可替换为the other students like singing.

        (2) at least 至少 at most 最多,至多

        E.g. I have ten yuan in my pocket at most.

        9. Most students use it for fun and not for homework.


        10. The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting.


        the answers to our questions 问题的答案

        dance to the music 和着音乐的节奏跳舞

        key to the lock 这把锁的钥匙

        11. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.


        12. It is good to relax by using the Internet of watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.


        (1) It?s +adj.+to do sth 做某事?的

        E.g. It?s very easy to learn English well.

        (2) by doing sth. 通过做某事

        (3) the best way to do sth. is做某事的最好方式

        13. It is healthy for the mind and the body. 这有益于身心健康。

        stay healthy = keep healthy = keep in good health 保持健康

        14. Old habits die hard. 旧习难改。

        (二)语法知识: 频度副词

        1. 频度副词的含义

        (1) 表示次数、频率的副词称为频度副词。常用的频度副词按高低依次为

        always > usually > sometimes > seldom > hadly ever > never

        100% 80% 60% 30% 10% 0%

        (2) 表示具体的频率、次数时,一次用once,两次用twice,三次或三次以上用?基数词+times?表示: three times, four times, six times

        2. 频度副词在句中的位置

        (1 )频度副词一般在实意动词之前,be 动词、助动词或情态动词之后

        E.g. We never eat junk food.

        Lucy is sometimes very busy.

        I can hardly say a word.


        sometimes 常位于句首,和位于句中区别不大。

        E.g. Sometimes Jack plays computer games.

        often 用于句首时,通常表示强调,且其前一般有quite,very 修饰

        E.g.Very often he goes online.

        Usually 也可位于句首,其前不用修饰语。

        E.g. Usually my father goes up early.

        Always 一般不用于句首,但可以用在祈使句中。

        E.g. Always remember this.

        3. 对频度副词提问时,用how often

        E.g. ---How often do you go to the movies?

        ---Once a month


        (一) 重点句型

        1. Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.


        both (1) 表示?两者都?,both用在含有be动词的句中,应放在be动词的后面;用在含有行为动词的句中,应放在行为动词的前面,

        (2) both?and?表示?两者都?,both...and在句中连接并列成分,如主语、谓语、表语、宾语等,位置比较灵活。

        E.g. Both New York and London have traffic problems. (连接主语)

        The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish.(连接谓语)


        2.Tara works as hard as Tina.



        其否定结构not as/so...as意为?不如。

        E.g. He is as tall as his father. 他和他爸爸一样高。

        Tom gets up as early as Jim. 汤姆起得和吉姆一样早。

        Lucy isn?t as outgoing as Mary. 露西不如玛丽外向。


        (1) 其否定式为not as/so +adj./adv. +as。

        E.g. This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.

        (2) 若有修饰成分,如twice, three times, half, a quarter等,则须置于第一个as之前。

        E.g. Your bag is twice as expensive as mine.


        3. You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.



        E.g. He won the first prize.

        Who won the race?



        E.g. We won the basketball game.


        E.g. Li Lei beat all the runners in the 100-metre race.

        (2) though此处作副词,意为?不过;可是;然而?,通常用于句末,前面用逗号与句子隔开。

        问题1: 在域控上面设置default domain policy对全域设置了时间同步参数,其中MaxPollInterval=10,MinPollInterval =8;我想请教一下,同步的时间间隔只能从这两个参数定义吗,能不能自定义。



        1. PDC宣布它为NTP服务器:

        Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config

        Key Name: AnnounceFlags

        Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value )

        Data: 0x5

        2. 将服务器类型更改为NTP:

        Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters\Type

        Key Name: Type

        Type: REG_SZ(String Value)

        Data: NTP

        3. 启用NTP服务器:


        Key Name: Enabled

        Type: REG_DWORD

        Data: 1

        4. 指定哪个服务器充当NTP服务器:

        Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters

        Key Name: NtpServer

        Type: REG_SZ(String Value)

        Data: Peers (example: time.windows.com, 0x9)

        5.仅当我们的PDC计算机是虚拟机时,才需要设置此注册表。 如果它不是虚拟机,则没有有关此注册表的信息。


        Name: Enabled

        Type: REG_DWORD



        Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters\Type

        Key Name: Type

        Type: REG_SZ(String Value)

        Data: NT5DS

        Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config

        Key Name: AnnounceFlags

        Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value )

        Data: 0xa

        之后,使用命令net stop w32time && net start w32time 重新启动时间服务器。

        0x1 为 NtpServer的Flag位,表示启用SpecialInterval。 它将会等待SpecialPollInterval 内设置的时间间隔再和时间源同步。


        这个值指定了特定的取样时间间隔,当NtpServer值的SpecialInterval 0x1 标志设置后 (所以SpecialPollInterval只在时间同步方式为NTP时才有效,简单来讲,就是在PDC上此值才有意义),W32Time用这个时间间隔进行取样,单位为秒。默认值为3600秒。

        Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters

        Key Name: NtpServer

        Type: REG_SZ(String Value)

        Data: Peers (time.windows.com,0x9)

        NTP server键值中,timeserver,0x9的含义,有如下解释:


        0x1 specialinterval

        0x2 useasfallbackonly

        0x4 symmatricactive

        0x8 client

        具体可以参考这个文章: Parameters\NtpServer


        问题2: 还有我查看了客户端事件查看器并不是每一次到了间隔时间都会记录时间同步,一天之内只有2次或1次甚至没有记录。不知道该事件日志记录的原理是什么,想请高手指点一下,谢谢!


        这个值指定了在使用NT5DS同步机制时(简单的说就是按照域的结构和DC做时间同步),最大的时间取样时间间隔,单位为2的次方秒。域控制器的默认值为为10(1024秒) ,域成员的默认值为15(32768秒),没有加入域的机器的默认值为15(32768秒)。如果当前值为F,即32768秒。


        这个值指定了在使用NT5DS同步机制时(简单的说就是按照域的结构和DC做时间同步),最小的时间取样时间间隔,单位为2的次方秒。域控制器的默认值为为6(64秒) ,域成员的默认值为10(1024秒),没有加入域的机器的默认值为10(1024秒)。如果当前值为A,即1024秒。

        LargePhaseOffset (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config\LargePhaseOffset):


        MaxAllowedPhaseOffset (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config\MaxAllowedPhaseOffset):




        不需要同步的情况:因为如果时间差小于LargePhaseOffset时, 认为是同步的,默认值为5秒。


        1. 只有每次到了时间间隔,当时间差大于LargePhaseOffset时,且当时间差超过MaxAllowedPhaseOffset这个值,则W32Time将直接将时间一次性修改正确;

        REF: /Forums/ar-SA/17208190-0f56-4dca-85c4-d04fc800ded9/35774326222010222495208692610238388332582116021516274936529235?forum=windowsserversystemzhchs

        2. 当时间差大于LargePhaseOffset时,且当时间差小于MaxAllowedPhaseOffset这个值,则以渐进式的方式进行时间修改,直到时间正确为止。


        温馨提示: 我们帖子中提到了在default domain policy对全域设置了时间同步参数,如果用GPO设置域内的时间同步机制,我们建议按照以下方法配置:






        Time Synchronization in Active Directory Forests
