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modern in_modern invention

ysladmin 2024-06-21 人已围观

简介modern in_modern invention       在下面的时间里,我会通过一些例子和解释详细回答大家关于modern in的问题。关于modern in的讨论,我们正式开始。1.谁能帮我写一篇《罗马假日》观后感

modern in_modern invention

       在下面的时间里,我会通过一些例子和解释详细回答大家关于modern in的问题。关于modern in的讨论,我们正式开始。


2.be in....... style 怎么造句

3.advanced economy和modern economies有什么区别

4.Changes in My Hometown 作文

modern in_modern invention

























































































be in....... style 怎么造句

























































advanced economy和modern economies有什么区别

       be in....... style 流行

       例句,1. Her clothes are always in style.


       2. Let's eat in style.

       我们吃得考究一点吧。 3.He never chooses an opinion; he just wears whatever happens to be in style.

       他从不选择见解,他只是随声附和那些流行的东西。 4.Striving to be modern in appearance or style but lacking taste or refinement; pretentious.

       做作地追求现代的力求具有现代样式或外观但不雅观或缺少品味的;自命不凡的 5.She dresses in style.


Changes in My Hometown 作文


       advanced economy指的是发达的经济。

       modern economies指的是现代经济。



       advanced economy

       1、An advanced economy requires competition in politics and ideas.


       2、As an advanced economy, Hong Kong must also move with the times in developing our competition policy.


       3、It is a strong driver for productivity enhancement of any advanced economy.


       modern economies

       1、That is how modern economies evolve and grow.


       2、The pharmacy, he observes, illustrates the critical role of trust and reputation inmodern economies.


       3、Although transaction costs have fallen, modern economies are ever more consumed by them.

























       好了,关于“modern in”的讨论到此结束。希望大家能够更深入地了解“modern in”,并从我的解答中获得一些启示。