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_noble prince

tamoadmin 2024-09-03 人已围观

简介1.prince是什么意思中文1699 on May 4, Gulliver should be captain of the antelope, hiring, boat to the Pacific area nigation, because it met the storm, the antelope, ran aground sank. He and five seaman jumped


_noble prince

1699 on May 4, Gulliver should be captain of the antelope, hiring, boat to the Pacific area nigation, because it met the storm, the antelope, ran aground sank. He and five seaman jumped into the lifeboat to escape, but the boats also turned halfway. Gref was alone on the island of Lilliput to wind blowing. After landing, he because of excessive fatigue, lying on the grass to sleep soundly. He woke up, he felt all could not move, his arms, legs and body is tightly bind the, even his hair is also a root to be tied firmly on the ground. He could only lie on his back, the sun in his eyes. It was, he heard a slight noise around him. At the same time, he felt a creature in the crawling on his left leg. It crept on his body, walked to his chest to his lower jaw edge. Gulliver briefly the eyes and look towards the next, I saw a less than six inches of the villain, hands clinging bow, carrying arrows pot, air proudly led the way, followed by 40 several villains, all dressed in military uniform. Gulliver shouted, scared they fled. Some from him fall to the ground, some self trampling was wounded.

After a while, people crowded around. Gref was impatient, his left hand is slightly over hundreds of arrows shot at him, he felt a general acupuncture. Gref had no choice but to lie down. Villain in his right ear in about three or four yards place, erected a tall tower, a respectable Sir look like people standing on the platform, to he published speech, which means he has to surrender. Gregory Fobie no way out, had said to. So the fifty little men came up, and cut off the ropes, and they ge him a loose tie. He pointed his finger to his mouth and said he was hungry. Villain will on either side of his body, placed the few of the ladder, hundreds of villain to pick a basket, put a basket of a basket of food turns to his mouth fell down. Gulliver a mouth swallowed two or three baskets, fell too busy to attend to all. They he a big etite for food.

Then the little man with the fif thousand Royal horse to pull him into the capital. The Emperor (a nail he than his subjects high) led his ministers stood a tower to Gulliver style. The Lilliputians also streamed out to watch, this is because they he never seen a giant. The emperor held a meeting of ministers to discuss how to deal with the problem of the. Some people worry that the food intake is too large, he a person's food, can be used for one thousand seven hundred and twenty people to eat. A light diet, which may lead to the famine; advocate Gullivers kill, but worry about his huge body stink, will cause the capital of plague. Finally, emperor decided to temporarily let Gulliver left, sent five hundred men to his Messenger, also called the three hundred tailors, according to the most fashionable style, he rushed out a piece of clothing.

One day, the king allowed Gulliver, let him visit the Imperial Palace and. The palace is surrounded by walls, two half feet, eleven inches wide, every ten feet between building a pheasant fort. Gref stepped into the city from the west, he carefully in the street, afraid to hurt people. He is wearing a jacket body, because he was afraid of broken roof and ees hanging skirts. Streets on both sides of the house are three to five floors, each house window and balcony are crowded with people watching. Two main street is five feet wide, the alley can only accommodate Gulliver's foot. The palace is in the center of the city, and there is a wall of high grade two feet. The king wants Gulliver to visit his grand palace, but not in gulliver. Later, he came up with a magic bullet: chosen to use the largest trees in the garden, with a knife cut from three feet high, two chairs. A place in the court, a court, he stepped on the chair into the palace, lying on a piece of open space, looked up at the palace. There, he saw the luxurious furnishings and surrounded by the servants of the queen and princess.

The size of a small country is not large. They he strange customs. The king in the selection of officials, let people dance on a rope, who can jump when leading HISTEP. The finance minister is considered to be the highest in the country. In the grand festival, officials are still clinging to the bar on the emperor under the stunt. According to the performing skill level, respectively, and different color ribbon. There are two political parties in this country. The difference between them is the one wearing high heel, heel down the other party. High heels think it is in line with the ancient system, while the king is biased towards low with the party. Therefore, the officials are the people who are low with the party. Both parties hate deep. Crown prince is on both sides to please. Therefore, his heels a high and a low.

The country and neighboring island of Blefuscu war. War is the cause of Lilliput changed Island egg eating habits, not to break the big end, but to the people to break the small end. China refuses to accept those who used to obey the old system of people, divided into "big" and "small endians". They attack each other "heretical beliefs". "Big pie" crackdown in China, they fled to Blefuscu, causing two imperial war. Not long ago, the new Bulaifusi made a number of warships, and once again ready to fight in lilliput. Gref in order to express the Lilliput loyalty, he crossed the sea, with a rope to pull over all enemy warships. To this end, the king ge him the noble prince

Then, the king ordered him to Blefuscu burn out, put it into one of their own provinces. He did not agree with him. He said to the emperor, "I will never be a tool of other people, and will make a free and bre nation to be a sle." When the king and the minister became dissatisfied with him, he was to be hurt.

One time, the Imperial Palace was on fire. Due to water transport difficulties, Gregory Fosa a urine extinguished the fire. This makes Huang Houshi. With Shanghai army minister jealous of his credit, Chancellor of the exchequer and dou his wife and Gulliver affair. Then the king held a time plots will, to give Gulliver treason and to blind his eyes sting. Gulliver, hurriedly fled to Bulaifusi. Again from there to find a boat, then by boat to lee. He met a British merchant ship on the high seas. He took the merchant, and the one seven, two years back in london. Which ended his first trip.


Francis丶Lewis James、Charles、 Bruce、Did



″ 漫步云霄丶 Super丶至尊 Voilet丶Stab Victory丶 吟风丶乐

Tony Smile.迷茫 Noble丶Prince Lucky丨一笑 Mark丶情殇丨


prince 读法 英?[pr?ns]?美?[pr?ns]?


1、prince charles?查尔斯王子(英国王储)

2、crown prince 皇太子;皇储

3、prince albert?双排扣的男长礼服

4、merchant prince? 富商;有影响力的商人

5、prince george?乔治王子城(加拿大城市)


He was speaking without the prince's authority.




noble 读法? 英?['n?b(?)l]?美?['nobl]?

1、adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的

2、n. 贵族

3、vt. 抓住;逮捕


1、noble metal?贵金属

2、noble gas?惰性气体(等于inert gas)

3、of noble birth?贵族出身

4、noble group?来宝集团;诺布尔集团


magnificent, splendid, noble这组词都有“宏伟壮丽的”的意思,其区别是:


