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pilot enterprise

ysladmin 2024-06-21 人已围观

简介pilot enterprise       大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我对“pilot enterprise”的理解。为了让大家更深入地了解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来探讨

pilot enterprise

       大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我对“pilot enterprise”的理解。为了让大家更深入地了解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。




pilot enterprise



        1 management fund ine and expenditure 2. Responsible for expense reimbursement signature, amount, invoice and attachment audit. 3. Prepare aounting vouchers aording to the unerring original vouchers. 4. Manage contract ledger, contract payment aount 5. Prepare monthly, annual financial statements, bank balance reconciliation table 6. Monthly online tax returns, annual corporate ine tax returns and settlement 7. Annual cost and profit budget aording to the targets issued by the higher authorities


        China's state-owned enterprise's assets have been rising from 8.7% in 1980, rose to 1993, 1994 and the 65.6 in 1998 asset-liability ratio for 79%, 65.8 percent up by 65.5%over 61.5%, 54,. Aording to the state bureau of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for 493 home by the end of 1997, the survey, the average asset-liability ratio 65%; Even countries 1994 certain 100 pilot enterprise ratio of modern enterprise system for 65%. Asset-liability ratio is increasing year by year, the reason is various, including system factors when row first. Since the middle of 1980s China began to implement a "after the reform BoGaiDai", national finance almost no state-owned enterprises, some new increasing capital injection principal pletely dependent on bank loan state-owned enterprises built, be without capital enterprise, cause liabilities excessively high proportion. Aording to the China statistical yearbook data shows, from 1999 to 2003 state-owned and state holding industrial enterprises 17948.9 industrial loans 17019.3, respectively, 18636.7, 20190.5, 22756.0 billion yuan in 1999, 2003 up 26.8% than. Enterprise on bank lending has the irrational demand, causing excessive excessively high debt ratio. National reform purpose is to pass argues for strengthening the enterprise debt relations, but somewhere along the line, the constraints of main creditor is due to the state-owned Banks, and the state-owned enterprises and state-owned Banks altogether is state of all, special relationship and make the Banks as the fact that the creditor of enterprise constraint partial soft, the enterprise cannot repay captital with interest, the bank also can't auction enterprise forced back, plus some claims for the consideration of local government performance, state-owned enterprises insolvency and bankruptcy actually difficult to implement. So, in the theory of modern capital structure by creditors to implement the constraints of the maximization of enterprise value method can not in our existing conditions play a role.



        I have my students apply for countries xxx students xxx million student loans to pay first-year undergraduate tuition fees and acmodation xxx million yuan xx. Hereby proved.



        1. To participate in the development and improvement of pany management system and regulations, implementation and monitoring at the same time;

        2. Recruitment and training of staff;

        3. Notice, circular implementation and management;

        4. To establish the relationship beeen the staff, coordinating the relationship beeen employees and management, anizational activities of employees;

        5. The purchase of social security, contract management and for other related documents;

        6. Responsible for injury pensation managers and labor disputes;

        7. To assist the managers on behalf of the implementation of ISO system;

        8. Day-to-day affairs and to deal with unexpected incidents;


        1, staff recruitment / training;

        2, the social security process, to update the management of labor contracts;

        3, temporary residence permits, health certificates and other documents processing;

        4, human resources daily, weekly, monthly and annual reporting;

        5, dormitory management (allocation, monitoring of fire safety, etc.);

        6, new staff, separation, transferred to the processing and logistical arrangements;

        7, the establishment of a sound personnel files and related data management;

        8, notice, notice of the implementation and management;

        9, the fire safety work and oversee the implementation of information management;

        10, payroll aounting;

        11, other relevant administrative personnel of the day-to-day work and deal with unexpected incidents.



        1. HOPP and antistatic agent, resisting adhesive, etc. Various kinds of auxiliary agent inspection.

        2. BOPP film production process quality control and various pounding agent for BOPP film to carry on the effect tracking.

        3. New product formulations development and testing and the subsequent effect of tracking.

        4. Product performance test of packaging material.

        5. For various testing data processing and prepare a report.



        Second, the state-owned capital structure optimization strategy

        (a) to vigorously develop the capital bond market, expand debt financing, implement debt-to-equity ratio.

        (2) solve problems of large state-owned proportion, implement of state-owned shares.

        (3) to preferred stock into state-owned shares.

        In short, the state-owned enterprise's optimal capital structure, only in the development of the reform continuously optimize implemented, macro to changes in countries as owners, the state-owned Banks as a creditor of state-owned enterprises, the present situation of partial soft constraint that make all the creditors and enterprises to form of marketization, implement hard constraint relationship; The microscopic state-owned enterprises should take prehensive measures to establish a reasonable bond, equity structure. Only in this way can we make capital structure of the state-owned enterprise to optimization.

        This paper *** yzes the existence of state-owned enterprise capital structure and the reasons of these problems, and puts forward the state-owned enterprise capital structure optimization countermeasures.

        Keywords: state-owned capital structure optimization

        Capital structure is to show enterprise various capital formation and its proportional relations. It includes not only liabilities and rights form with proportional relations in debt, and includes all current liabilities and long-term liabilities position proportion, and the position of equity capital internal ratio. Capital involving enterprise financing, management, distribution of interests each aspect, is a reflection of the important index of financial strength, it is to measure enterprise solvency important yardstick, also inspection of the financial risks of enterprise important indexes. China's state-owned enterprise reform has more than 20 years of history, although has made great progress, but state-owned enterprise capital structure optimization problem was still the current reform of the important problem facing. Current situation of nationalized business capital structure has bee a soe reform and the obstacles, obstruct the institution is the establishment of modern enterprise system and the perfection of corporate governance structure. Its basic characteristics of the enterprise is high property debt and equity structure and ownership is not reasonable. The specific performance "three-high" and "three low", namely the exogenous financing a high proportion, endogenous ratio is low; Indirect financing ratio is high, low ratios direct financing; Debt financing a high proportion, capital financing ratio is low. Appear this kind of circumstance of reason is various, this paper carries on the *** ysis, and further elaborates the nationalized business capital structure optimization measures.

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        Sketch teaching is an important part of art education, but also an important ponent of quality education is one. In basic education and the new curriculum reform today, we teachers are facing new challenges. New ideas, new methods of exploration, the traditional concepts of education innovation, improvement of teaching methods are worth thinking about ... ..., This article is a specialty art classes in high school teaching sketch a "non-model" of teaching, using inspiration, guide and encourage innovation, and a reasonable evaluation principles, pointing out that "no model" method of teaching in the sketch, advantages ... ...


       China's state-owned enterprise's assets have been rising from 8.7% in 1980, rose to 1993, 1994 and the 65.6 in 1998 asset-liability ratio for 79%, 65.8 percent up by 65.5%over 61.5%, 54,. According to the state bureau of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for 493 home by the end of 1997, the survey, the average asset-liability ratio 65%; Even countries 1994 certain 100 pilot enterprise ratio of modern enterprise system for 65%. Asset-liability ratio is increasing year by year, the reason is various, including system factors when row first. Since the middle of 1980s China began to implement a "after the reform BoGaiDai", national finance almost no state-owned enterprises, some new increasing capital injection principal completely dependent on bank loan state-owned enterprises built, be without capital enterprise, cause liabilities excessively high proportion. According to the China statistical yearbook data shows, from 1999 to 2003 state-owned and state holding industrial enterprises 17948.9 industrial loans 17019.3, respectively, 18636.7, 20190.5, 22756.0 billion yuan in 1999, 2003 up 26.8% than. Enterprise on bank lending has the irrational demand, causing excessive excessively high debt ratio. National reform purpose is to pass argues for strengthening the enterprise debt relations, but somewhere along the line, the constraints of main creditor is due to the state-owned Banks, and the state-owned enterprises and state-owned Banks altogether is state of all, special relationship and make the Banks as the fact that the creditor of enterprise constraint partial soft, the enterprise cannot repay captital with interest, the bank also can't auction enterprise forced back, plus some claims for the consideration of local government performance, state-owned enterprises insolvency and bankruptcy actually difficult to implement. So, in the theory of modern capital structure by creditors to implement the constraints of the maximization of enterprise value method can not in our existing conditions play a role.


       Company profile: cool fruit, nuts, many series products production and marketing enterprises, the main customers for dealers, the main products for three carriages and collect just series leisure food.

       Job description: JinDie use erp software production orders, Accept customer enquiry, orders, monthly sales reconciliation, Sales data statistics and analysis, daily, monthly sales report submitted director of sales, Business travel expenses and distributor personnel application fee of audit, Sales and marketing staff attendance statistics personnel, Department of receiving documents, department of information management and administrative affairs files.

       Performance: monthly production at least 800 a product orders, Monthly reconciliation complete 48 dealer sales, Timely and good product transport appears in the stock and less problems in dealers, have good reputation.

       Company profile: more than 500 national innovative pilot enterprise, main customer service for large and medium-sized coal mine, the main products of roadheader.

       Job description: phone market, establish and perfect the scan the customer file information blank market, Regular visit old customer, maintain situation relations, Responsible for the sales area statistic and analysis of work, completes the sales plan and sales report regularly, sales manager, Business sales documents filed, the arrangement of work report LSL sales, Tender to participate in bidding and after-sales service, etc.

       Performance: through telephone scanning the market, establish a shen pingzhuang coal industry, coal and coal etc to Noel coal group of customer information, equipment and facilities requirements intent used files, And the field sales market and finished with 700 million roadheader sales task.

       1. 2 years working experience in sales assistant, rigorous working attitude, can accurately and timely complete sales data statistics and reporting work,

       2 communication ability and service consciousness, strong processing business problem between the company and its clients,

       3 the compressive ability and can undertake the task,

       4 can skilled in the use of the word, excel and other office software,

       5, character, cheerful, warm, honest and good interpersonal skills.


       根据时空扭曲(或者说压缩)的程度,曲速分为0-10。其中曲速10在理论上是达不到的,因为以曲速10运动的物体就意味着在任何时间在任何地点都出现,而即便在科幻作品中也还没有发明一种能达到曲速10的曲速引擎(warp drive)。而曲速2已经超过光速了,曲速9的飞船能在26秒内飞跃一个太阳系的距离。《星际迷航:航海家号》系列中星联最快的星舰能达到曲速9.99.。

       曲速(Warp)与曲速引擎(Warp drive)。

       曲速(Warp)与曲速引擎(Warp drive)有二重涵义,皆关于超光速航行。原先出现科领域中的星际迷航(Star Trek)之中,后来也涉及到理论物理的一种时空模型。

       曲速引擎就是说一个物体前的空间迅速弯曲缩小,物体后的空间迅速弯曲扩大。就像在后面吹气球将物体挤向前,物体在曲速泡内以亚光速航行。不过要使空间弯曲要太阳的10亿倍能量。 虚拟宇宙历史

       星际旅行中多个星球都有自己开发出曲速的发展历史;在地球,曲速是泽弗兰·科克伦(Zefram Cochrane)所开发。在**《星际迷航8:第一次接触》里提到的发明年代是第三次世界大战终战后10年的2063年;但在原始影集《星际迷航:原初系列》里则暗示曲速科技更早些年就已经被使用,虽然证据不明。小说星际奇旅之星际联邦(Star Trek: Federation)则提到2061年寇克瑞恩发明曲速引擎。


       在星际奇旅试映剧集《The Cage》里,曲速被称为「时间翘曲」(time warp)。这集里反应了时间障(time barrier)已被打破,但既然这些对话是对一群船只失事的星际旅行者报告的新消息,则不可能是指光速障的打破。(试映剧集描绘了一堆事情是与后来影集不相符的。)

       曲速航行的速率通常以曲速层级(warp factor)代之。一般认为曲速1级是真空光速(c);更高的层级下,速率呈指数增加。原始影集的数个剧集曾设定了企业号冒着危险以高曲速层级航行,一度高到曲速14.6级(That Which Survives)。然而,任一曲速层级的实际速度从未在萤幕上显明地被陈述,以作为经典纪录。更甚者,各影集中航行时间与星际距离在陈述上,从未严格地保持一贯性(甚至是相当松散的)。

       在了解这是个问题,也想 wanting to remove this plot element, 《下一代》的创造者决定曲速10级应作为最大值。后台的星际奇旅术语建议将曲速尺标重新调整,将旧曲速6级变为新曲速5级,而曲速10级为无限大速度而无法达到。制作人指示船只可以任意接近曲速10级,但就是无法到达刚好曲速10级。如此则贵族与旅人等生命体则能以相当快的速度航行,又可以回避限制。举例而言,据估计,旅人将企业号推进到曲速9.999996级的速度。而第四代影集《航海家号》中的剧集Threshold附议了这项设定,其中角色提到曲速10级的速度是不可能达到的,因为那是无限大的速度——但不管如何,随后他们却达到了,伴随了快速地(反向)演化成两栖类的蝾螈的副作用。(虽然许多影迷、制作人员,甚至是该集的编剧与制作人Brannon Braga普遍忽略该集的事件。)

       一般普遍接受:以曲速航行的船舰不会感受到任何形式的时间展长;毕竟总体来说,曲速船舰与宇宙间没有资讯交换。若船舰是采用冲量引擎,速度则为次光速(亚光速),会感受到时间展长,因为冲量式驱动的船只仍处在正常时空连续体。也因为这样,多数船只会将冲量速度限制在大约四分之一光速。 星际联邦实验

       实验中的联邦星舰精进号 (NX-2000)在史戴尔斯(Stiles)舰长的领导下,成为联邦对于超曲速技术的实验船舰。虽然在石破天惊的大荧幕上并未解释,一般认为超曲速是传统曲速引擎的快速版本。精进号的首次操作测试会失败,是因为史考提的暗中破坏,因此才能阻止精进号追逐企业号。在**迈入未来的事件中,精进号(在苏鲁舰长的领导下)已经改装上标准曲速引擎,因此被认为超曲速测试是以失败告终。

       在2374年,联邦星舰挑战号的船员被派任一项任务,前往研究联邦领域中的稀有子空间压缩现象。原先希望对于这个异常现象的进一步研究,能够引领创造出可用的超曲速引擎。不幸地这项任务被珍哈达的攻击所打断,然而船舰由婕琪·戴克斯少校、麦尔斯·欧布莱恩总管、朱利安·巴希尔医官和沃尔夫少校成功夺回。 博格人(在下一代上下二集剧集Descent与航海家号最后剧集Endgame)发现了名叫”超曲速导管“(transwarp conduits)的异常现象——一些特别的子空间区域使得超曲速航行可以比传统曲速引擎快到成百上千倍。博格超曲速导管是由编码过的迅子脉冲所启动。当博格船只进入超曲速导管时,会感受到极大的重力场剪应力。为了补偿,博格人设计了船只前方的的结构完整力场(structural integrity field)。人造导管由超曲速中继站(transwarp hub)连接起来。已知有六个中继站存在,但一个在剧集Endgame中被摧毁;而且珍妮薇少将刻意将自身感染神经裂解性病原体(neurolytic pathogen)后再被同化入集合体,整个博格集合体可能也因此遭到毁灭。虽然这点需要进一步的厘清,但既然博格人是彼此连结,很可能每个博格个体都遭受连带的毁灭。

       博格超曲速技术类似于Arturis种族所用的量子滑流技术。 企业号E正在曲速航行原始影集《星际迷航》中,根据金·罗丹贝利(Gene Roddenberry)与他的剧集编剧指引,曲速速率(s)与曲速层级(w)的三次方呈倍数关系:无法解析 (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): s(w) = w^3c 。(另有未经证实的说法指出罗丹贝利原本是要将曲速层级的数字简单地对应到光速的倍数,例如曲速9级表示9倍光速(c),而一群早期的影迷在一间旅馆围住他,告诉他这种设定是无法运作的。)

       按照这样原则,可以将星际争霸战中不同曲速层级(Warp Factor)所对应的速率列表如下: 曲速层级 几倍光速(c) 大约速度(千米/秒) 曲速1级 1 3.0x10^5 曲速1.5级 3.375 1.0x10^6 曲速2级 8 2.4x10^6 曲速3级 27 8.0x10^6 曲速4级 64 1.9x10^7 曲速5级 125 3.7x10^7 曲速6级 216 6.5x10^7 曲速7级 343 1.0x10^8 曲速8级 512 1.5x10^8 曲速9级 729 2.2x10^8 曲速9.25级 ~791 2.4x10^8 曲速9.5级 ~857 2.6x10^8 曲速9.75级 ~926 2.8x10^8 曲速10级 1,000 3.0x10^8 曲速11级 1,331 4.0x10^8 曲速14.6级 ~3,112 9.3x10^8 曲速15级 3,375 1.0x10^9 然而这样设定仍然无法完整解释整个影集所出现的场合,因为如此企业号航行速度变得过慢,和电视影集中所提的有时相牴触,例如That Which Survives这集中,企业号以曲速8.4级航行了11.33小时,而横越了990.7光年(此段文句为史巴克的台词)。这样计算出来的速率超过600,000倍光速;即使是曲速15级,这样也还超过两个数量级。

       There is also the fact that the Enterprise could quite easily travel to and from the edge of the galaxy at will (Is There in Truth No Beauty and By Any Other Name), a journey which should take years at the typical warp 8, if warp 8 is merely a cube of the warp factor.

       This discrepancy between the behavior of warp speeds in the show and the simple formula of the warp factor cubed was picked up by fans in the 1970's and 80's who published books like Star Trek Maps (all published material is considered non-canon, even if it is by Paramount-approved Pocket Books) where the idea of an additional factor, referred to as the Chi factor or the Cochrane factor, was used in the warp calculations. The idea was that since warp drive pulls in space, you get higher speeds in areas where there is high density of mass, and lower speeds in areas of low density. If we take a warp factor and cube it, we take that product and multiply it by the number 1292.7238 (the Chi or Cochrane factor), to get the actual speed that the ship travels at (this is the number that was factored out of the factoids from That Which Survives). The Cochrane factor represents an average density of space in the UFP. Other areas of space will have different values for it. This is one way to explain the relationship between stated warp factors and actual calculable speeds as given in the dialogue in the episodes. Although it is not actually canon, it at least explains how the ships behaved as they did, without having to find higher exponents to factor the warp base numbers by, as 星际奇旅艺术指导麦可·奥田(Michael Okuda)did later for TNG (which nobody on the show ended up paying attention to anyway).

       新式曲速层级对应的速度表与消耗功率。白色是新式速度;铬**是消耗功率;图中另标有旧式曲速层级对应的速度表,以蓝绿色呈现。在后起的几部影集,奥田以旧制为基础设置了一项公式,但做出了几个重要的改变。For warp 1–9, 若w是曲速层级,s是以公里每秒计量的速率,而c表示光速,则无法解析 (Missing texvc executable; please see math/README to configure.): s(w) = w^{10 \over 3}c . 在曲速9级到曲速10级间的半开放区间,w的指数项快速地增加到无限大。如此,在奥田式尺度中,曲速以渐进线方式趋向曲速10级。这段区间并没有精确公式,因为在这一段所摘录到的速率是根据手绘曲线。然而在1995年,寇克瑞恩曲速力学进展奖(Cochrane Award for Advancements in Warp Mechanics)颁给了一位胜出者,其所提的曲速公式为[1]:



       下方为新式曲速层级(warp factor)和它们以公里每秒为计的大约值,以及几倍光速(c): 曲速层级 几倍光速(c) 大约速度(千米/秒) 曲速1级 1 3.0x10^5 曲速2级 10.079 3.0x10^6 曲速3级 38.941 1.2x10^7 曲速4级 101.59 3.0x10^7 曲速5级 213.75 6.4x10^7 曲速6级 392.50 1.2x10^8 曲速7级 656.13 2.0x10^8 曲速8级 1,024 3.1x10^8 曲速9级 1,516.4 4.5x10^8 曲速9.2级 1,649 4.9x10^8 曲速9.6级 1,909 5.7x10^8 曲速9.9级 3,053 9.2x10^8 曲速9.9753级 6,000 1.8x10^9 曲速9.99级 7,912 2.3x10^9 曲速9.9999级 199,516 6.0x10^10 Here is a table of the times it would take to cover a number of distances. Since warp 1 is c, the distances for warp 1 (in years) is the light year distance. Earth's solar system is approximately 1.2x1010 km wide, measured as the diameter of the Oort Cloud. 曲速层级 几倍光速(c) 横越太阳系 到南门二 横越星区 横越联邦 横越本银河系 到仙女座银河系 曲速1级 1 11小时 4.36年 20年 1,000年 100,000年 2,500,000年 曲速2级 10.079 1小时 6个月 1年 100年 10,000年 200,000年 曲速3级 38.941 17分钟 6周 6个月 25年 2,564年 51,000年 曲速4级 101.59 6.5分钟 18天 2个月 10年 990年 19,800年 曲速5级 213.75 3分钟 8.4天 34天 4.6年 467年 9,345年 曲速6级 392.50 1.7分钟 4.6天 18.6天 2.5年 255年 5,102年 曲速7级 656.13 1分钟 2.8天 11.3天 1.52年 152年 3048年 曲速8级 1,024 38秒 1.7天 7.1天 1年 100年 1,953年 曲速9级 1,516.4 26秒 1.2天 4.8天 8个月 66年 1,319年 曲速9.2级 1,649 24秒 1.1天 4.4天 7个月 61年 1,217年 曲速9.6级 1,909 20.7秒 23小时 3.8天 6个月 53年 1,051年 曲速9.9级 3,053 13秒 14小时 2.4天 3.8个月 33.3年 660年 曲速9.9753级 6,000 6.6秒 7.1小时 1.2天 1.9个月 16.9年 335年 曲速9.99级 7,912 5秒 5.4小时 22小时 1.4个月 12.8年 254年 曲速9.9999级 199,516c 0.2秒 12.8分钟 52分钟 1.6天 6个月 10年 后起的影集在遵守这些速度规范上做得比原始影集好;然而仍离「完美」这词甚远。《银河飞龙》的末后集数(例如Descent)和这些规范相牴触,而《银河前哨》所提到的联邦星际舰队的战略操作(舰队移动)也是以奥田式尺度下不可能达到的速度在运作。《重返地球》虽然是以奥田尺度的基础作为前提,但在几回显着的例子,例如Parallax或The 37's这两集中,提到的曲速速度也和奥田标准相差甚远。

       In general, the farther away a Star Trek show is in production date from the publish date of the Star Trek Technical Manual, the more likely a ship would be to travel at the speed of plot. For example, in the Star Trek: Enterprise pilot episode they give a time and speed to Neptune that accords with the original series' formula, but then they estimate a trip to the Klingon Homeworld at warp 5 as a four-day journey, placing it just one light-year away from Earth—far closer than the nearest stellar system, Alpha Centauri. This plot hole has later been wrapped up by various sources that suggest that there is a spatial rift that allowed the Enterprise to arrive at the Klingon homeworld in such a short length of time, and that it was the Vulcans who provided Enterprise with the whereabouts of this shortcut. It should be noted, however that such a high speed for warp 5 is consistent with the extremely high speed given for warp 8.4 in That Which Survives, which has the speed at over 600,000 times lightspeed (therefore warp 5 would be 161,500 times lightspeed). In those terms, four days travel at warp 5 places the Klingon homeworld at 1,772 light years (or 536 parsecs) away from Earth. 要对曲速推进系统有更深入的讨论,通常会参考由里克·史腾巴赫(Rick Sternbach)和麦可·奥田(Michael Okuda)所着的《下一代技术手册》(Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)第五章「曲速推进系统」,其中提到几项主题:







       连续体扭曲推进(continuum distortion propulsion)的精髓在于产生包复船舰的曲速场。利用来自物质/反物质反应产生出的高能电浆,以其对曲速机舱的子空间线圈充能,可以产生出曲速场。

       能够克服广义相对论所提的限制,其关键在于子空间场减低了所包复物体所感的重力常数。如果场的影响使重力常数减到零值,这时传统上需遵守的相对论就不发生作用,以此情况下,质量因素已被挪除。船舰可以透过「非对称蠕动场」操控获得推进力。这是指子空间场是按照从前向后的架构充能,因而将船舰周遭的空间推动,, 而肇生了连续体扭曲推进(continuum distorsion propulsion)这样的名字。一层曲速场可以达到曲速一级的速度,然而有意思地,这样的速度并非刚好是光速,以这样速度行进的物体,即使是光本身,在光速上下的两种速度态之间交替变换,每个态的停留时间不超过普朗克时间。


       既然曲速场是对齐好的,并以从前到后的架构产生,就生出了一项疑问:如果场没有对齐的话会出什么状况?推测上,这会造成船舰结构完整度的灾难性影响——船身一部分会以比其他部分更快的速度航行,然而船身会撕裂开来。 在《下一代》第七季剧集Force of Nature中,曲速航行对子空间有不利影响,且在一些区域,频繁使用航线的路径上可能会造成子空间裂缝。因此在此之后的剧集,超过曲速5级的航行被禁止,然而在影迷社群中有过争论,讨论到这项禁令是只针对受影响区域而设,或者是全区的禁令。如果这是全区的限制,那在之后的剧集与系列影集则被广泛地忽略,也鲜少提及。然而,曾有这么一例,在《下一代》一集中,皮卡德舰长下令以高于曲速5级的速度航行,而有人提醒他这项禁令。一些影迷臆测已有技术解决方案被发现,并可能用到了联邦星舰航海家号的曲速引擎上头。这点由星际奇旅官方网站的图文库所证实,其中解释了航海家号设计上可以高于曲速5级的速度航行而不会造成子空间破坏,比如空间裂缝。元首级星舰企业号-E也配有进阶曲速动力引擎,允许相当高的曲速航行而不破坏空间结构。

       好了,今天关于“pilot enterprise”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“pilot enterprise”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。