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anthem advanced

ysladmin 2024-06-19 人已围观

简介anthem advanced       大家好,我是小编,今天我来给大家讲解一下关于anthem advanced的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就一

anthem advanced

       大家好,我是小编,今天我来给大家讲解一下关于anthem advanced的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就一起来看看吧。


2.求John cena Word Life 歌词





anthem advanced


       XTC系列登山车(就是俗称的山地车)和带有后避震的速降(Downhill),林道(AM)和自由骑,如果登山车是软尾会泄力并有可能改变重心从而造成危险。捷安特带后避震的系列有GLORY,TRANCE,REGIN,ANTHEM为软尾登山车(图为GIANT GLORY ADVANCED 0)

求John cena Word Life 歌词

       捷安特在台湾设计、制造的车是出口欧美市场的(美利达也一样,台湾设计和制造的“BIG7”和“BIG9”,即骑行圈说的“欧版大7、大9”是针对欧美,国内没有),XTC8xx定位是入门级(欧美山地车的入门级是400美金,合人民币两千多)、售价在一两千的ATX系列则是针对国内(低消费)情况而搞的(国内设计、制造和内销),欧美没有(其它国际一线二线也没有,因为低于三千的车,通常配置太低,强度也不够,不能越野——注意“山地车”是为通过崎岖地形设计、越野用的,不是压马路的,骑行圈说的“山马”是咱中国特色,你搜 “山马党”就知道)。。。XTC8xx系列上面是XTC SLR系列(有1、2、3、4四个型号,即骑行圈说的“四个公主”),XTC SLR在欧美是介于低级和中级之间的(因为毕竟是铝架,现在欧美市场的中端级已经普及碳纤维车架了)。再上面是捷安特的中端,即XTC C系列(碳纤维车架,C是英语Carbon即碳纤维的缩写)、和中端偏上一些的XTC ADV(adv即advanced的缩写,高级碳纤维车架)、XTC ADV在欧美是中端(比它强的有一大堆,售价从合人民币1.5W起步到5-6W的上百种、如果你有机会去香港飞球车店看看就会多少明白一些,那里仅仅美国三个大牌子的车架,售价过万的就几十种,挂了长长的好几排)。。XTC? ADV的上面是捷安特软尾山地车家族(软尾才是体现技术实力的),有Anthem、Trance和trance 2、Riegn、Glory四个系列,其中Glory是捷安特山地车大族里的大佬,重型速降级山地车,像是摩托车似的强壮。

       山地车的国际大牌有:LOOK、BMC、s-works(即specialized/闪电)、Trek(崔克)、Santacruz(三条裤子)、Corna(科娜)、Canyon(灿涌)、Lapierre(拉皮尔)、KTM、Bianchi(边驰)、Cannondale(佳能戴尔)、 Scott(斯科特)、Cube(酷比)? 、Commencal(看门狗)、Cannondale(佳能戴尔),Yeti(雪人),Marin(马林)都是超一线。捷安特、美利达是一线,其它一线还有:Fuji(富士)、DiamondBack(大名)、Rocky mountains(洛基山)、Norco(诺克)、BH(就是圈内说的“西班牙皇室用车”那个牌子)、intense、Polygon、Pivot、YT industries、NS bikes、Niner、Orange、Oebra(这个似乎应该算是超一线?)、Gary fisher等


       Yeti(雪人) yeti是世界上山地车牌子里算是“经典”的之一 仅仅配色就那么有艺术氛围



       斯科特(Scott),搜“山地车大神 尼诺”了解下 他几次夺冠都是用的scott



       闪电 STUMPJUMPER COMP:欧美现在流行的都是这类软尾山地车了,2018年连几个只作公路车的牌子也开始做软尾山地车。

       最后 欧美市场上比较标准的一款中端车型:闪电 Chisel Exert 29er(国内售价1W3人民币)。

       这个车是29寸的 我骑过S码 还是玩一般的林道(地形通过难度不小的),但这车的人车一体感、操控稳定性都比较满意,比捷安特、美利达卖1W的碳架车要好一些。一般的常识是 29寸的操控性不如27.5寸,但这车真的比我自己1W多改装的美利达 欧版大7(27.5 M码)要柔顺,可见闪电的XC sport 29几何设计不是浪得虚名的。


       so... you think you're untouchable?"

       Word life! this is basic thuganomics

       this is ba-basic thugamoics

       word life!

       "i'm untouchable, but i'm forcin you to feel me"

       word life! this is bas-

       basic thuga- thuga- thuganomics

       word life!

       "i'm untouchable, but i'm forcin you to feel me"

       Whether fightin, or spittin, my discipline is


       got you backin up, in a defensive position

       an ass-kickin anthem, heavyweight or bantam

       holdin camps for ransom, the microphone phantom

       teams hit the floor, this the new fight joint

       like a broken needle kid, you missin the point!

       we dominate your conference with offense that's no


       my theme song hits, get your reinforcements!

       we strike quick with hard kicks, duckin ice picks

       bare-knuckle men through fight pits, beat you


       never survive this! get forget like alzheimer's

       two-face rappers, walk away with four shiners

       the raw rhymer, turnin legends to old-timers

       my incisor's like a viper, bitin through your


       new deadman inc. and we about to make you famous

       takin over earth and still kickin in uranus!

       Word life! this is basic thuganomics

       this is ba-basic thugamoics

       word life!

       "i'm untouchable, but i'm forcin you to feel me"

       word life! this is bas-

       basic thuga- thuga- thuganomics

       word life!

       "i'm untouchable, but i'm forcin you to feel me"

       You ain't advanced enough to process potential

       phonetical concepts

       the objects are foreign, like blot tests

       sponsored sex, a complex, regardless of your finesse

       or your fitness, it's the condition of business

       your lame vision of a underground, physical image

       you're underneath to undermine your whole, typical


       with the precision of percentages, and the collision

       of sedatives

       poetry, beats, and mics - we untouchable

       like righteous sluts with no crevices

       streets unite, we rock right over dumber beats

       yo' cats couldn't come this hot in the summer heat

       forget two takes, kill y'all birds the first time

       yo' best {shit} ain't, worthy of my filler or worst


       i'm better than nice, check the veteran stripes

       leave you beside yourself with fear, i kill you, and

       bury you twice

       despite the cover of night, trackin your flight

       like guerilla warfare, where the grass is dense

       approachin me is a quick way to get referred to in the

       past tense

       dead that! when the light to mic is on

       the crowd is dead like the intermission when you on

       the titantron

       Word life! this is basic thuganomics

       this is ba-basic thugamoics

       word life!

       "i'm untouchable, but i'm forcin you to feel me"

       word life! this is bas-

       basic thuga- thuga- thuganomics

       word life!

       "i'm untouchable, but i'm forcin you to feel me"


       Japan Profiles:

       Name: Japan (Japan)

       State Comment: Sunrise country.

       Area: 377,748 square kilometers.

       Capital: Tokyo

       Flag: sun flag was rectangular, long and the width ratio of 3:2. The flag of white, with a red center. White symbolizes purity and integrity, sincerity and dedication red symbol.

       The Japanese word meaning "sunrise of the country" Japan is the Apollo legends created by the emperor is the son of Helios, the sun from the flag.

       Emblem: Circular, 16 painted yellow chrysanthemum petals pictorial. Royal chrysanthemum pattern is the Royal coat patterns.

       The national anthem: "Kimigayo substituting"

       Exponents: cherry, Fitch said - cherry country (there are more than 300 cherry varieties).

       State bird: Green Pheasant

       The stone: small grain

       Currency: yen, 1 yen = 100 money.

       District: East Region 9, Greenwich than nine hours earlier.

       Population: About 100 million 27.45 million (as at February 2003), the world's largest population density in the world. Japan MHLW in September 2003 announced figures show that the

       As of September 1, more than 100 of the Japanese archipelago, has reached 20,561 elderly people.

       National: The main group of Japan, Hokkaido region about 24,000 Ainu people. GM Japanese, in a minority of Hokkaido Ainu language will be.

       Religion: predominantly Buddhist and Taoist god, the population profess religious population accounted for 49.6% and 44.8%.

       Japanese politics:

       Japan is a constitutional monarchy, the Japanese Constitution, the emperor is the symbol of national unity. The government legislative, executive and judicial system of separation of powers, and a bicameral parliament. The Council is responsible for the administrative bodies, including one by the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers formed. The Prime Minister must be members of parliament, elected by the other members. The majority of cabinet members must also be members of Parliament. The legislature elected by the people, including the 480-seat House of Representatives. House members a four-year term, the Prime Minister to dissolve the House of Representatives. The Senate has 252 seats, a six-year term, half elected every three years, not the middle of the dissolution.

       State symbols: Emperor Akihito, enthroned in January 1989, the years "Heisei."

       Constitutional and political: the "Constitution of Japan" in the May 3, 1947 implementation. The Constitution, the state legislative, judicial and administrative basis for the separation of the parliamentary cabinet system; The Emperor of Japan and Japan's overall national symbol of the right to participate in the governance; "Forever renounce the use of state power to wage war, the threat of force or exercise of force as means of settling international disputes to this end, Japan will not maintain land, sea and air forces and other war, does not recognize the right of belligerency of the state "(No. 9). Pan said the Congress Parliament by the Representatives and the House of composition, the highest authority and the only legislature. House Capacity 480 for a term of four years. Congress through the Cabinet no-confidence vote, the right to the Prime Minister early dissolution of the House of Representatives re-election. Power in the House than the Senate. Each year in January to the Congress are usually held in June, duration of 150 days, the other time under the Provisional Congress and the need to convene parliament. The Cabinet is the highest executive responsible for the Congress, by the Prime Minister of the Cabinet (Prime Minister) and in charge of ministries (ministries) ministers. Prime Minister nominated by the Congress, appointed emperor, other Cabinet members appointed by the Prime Minister, the emperor certification. The Japanese government to implement administrative reforms, the government agency for the agencies to 12. Japan judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court and subordinate courts at all levels. The "three-four system." Supreme Court to the Court of Final Appeal hearing "unconstitutional" and other cat-flutter. Love Life Center for instance, a total of four nationwide. All are, Road House, are located in District 1 (Hokkaido for four) for the first trial. There is also throughout the Summary Court and Family Court for civil fines and penalties of not more than criminal proceedings. Supreme Court Chief Executive (President) nominated by the Cabinet, appointed emperor, 14-matter (judges) appointed by the Cabinet, subject to review national vote. Other levels of the judges of the Court of the Supreme Court nomination, the cabinet appointed for a term of 10 years, renewable. Judges at all levels of non-formal impeachment shall not be removed from office. Four prosecutors and the courts should be relative, divided into the maximum Prosecutor's Office, Higher Prosecutor's Office, the local prosecutor's office, district (town) Office. Prosecutors divided into chief procurator (Attorney General), long the seizure, the seizure of things (Higher Attorney director), seized things (local prosecutors seized thing is that director), the seizure of such things. The Minister of the chief procurator has the right to command.

       Japan's political parties: Japan's postwar implementation of "political parties", representatives of different classes and strata of various political parties have been restored or established. Congress currently participating in the activities of main political parties are the Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party, the Komeito Party, the Japanese Communist Party and Social Democratic Party, the New Party and conservative.

       The current national leaders: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, in April 2001 representation; Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi, in February 2002 represented. Senate Speaker of the LDP wide, in April 2002 representation. House Speaker Mian Fu Guan China, in July 2000 serving.

       The Japanese news media:

       Kyodo News Service is Japan's largest news agency, Kyodo short. Jiji News Agency, Japan's second-largest agency, or social events. Integrated, a newspaper 121. The influential newspapers, commonly known as Six newspaper: "Asahi Shimbun", "Yomiuri Shimbun", "Daily News", "Japan's Sankei Shimbun," "Tokyo", "Japan Economic News." The three major national issue for the local newspaper: "Day News," "Hokkaido", "West Japan Press." More influential magazine: "central importance", "Japanese Economy", "The Economist", "Bungei Shunju." Radio, television nearly 200. National television and radio company: Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), established in 1952, is a semi-official nature; Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS), set up in 1951; Japanese television networks (NTV), established in 1953. Japan Broadcasting Association, other television companies are private.

       Japan Administrative divisions:

       The 47 one of the SAR: one is, one, two House, 43 counties. The Japanese have, Road House, the county is a parallel to the SAR, directly under the central government, but all are, Road House, counties have autonomy. His office called "Office", which means "all Office," "Road Office," "House Chamber," "County Office", the Chief Executive called "governor." Each are, Road House, the county under several cities, towns (equivalent to the town), the village. His office said "the service" or "municipal office", "Machimura by the easement," "Village by the easements", the Chief Executive called the "mayor", "Machimura long", "village chief."

       Japan's political map after the remark.

       Hokkaido Island (1) - Hokkaido

       The Island (34)

       Northeast (6) - Aomori - Iwate - Miyagi - Akita - Yamagata County - County Fukushima

       Kanto (8) - Tokyo - Kanagawa Prefecture - Saitama County - Chiba Prefecture - Ibaraki Prefecture - Tochigi Wood County - County-MA - Yamanashi prefecture

       Letter land that is the central North Vietnam (5) - Niigata prefecture - Nagano Prefecture - Fu Shan County - Ishikawa Prefecture - Fukui prefecture

       East (4) - Aichi - Gifu County - Shizuoka Prefecture - Mie Prefecture

       Kinki (6) - Kyoto House - Osaka - Hyogo - Shiga - Nara County - and Wakayama

       China (5) - Tottori County - Shimane Prefecture - Okayama Prefecture - Hiroshima Prefecture - Yamaguchi Prefecture

       Shikoku Island (4) - Germany Island County - County-chuan - Ehime - Kochi

       Kyushu (7) - Fukuoka - Saga County - Nagasaki Prefecture - Kumamoto Prefecture - Oita Prefecture - Miyazaki Prefecture - Kagoshima Prefecture

       Okinawa Islands (1) - Okinawa Prefecture

       Japan's geographical:

       In the Pacific West Bank, is an extension of the northeast to southwest island arc. West at the East China Sea, Yellow Sea, the Korea Strait, the Sea of Japan and China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia sea. The land area of 377,748 square kilometers, including Hokkaido, Honshu (area of 227,414 square kilometers), Shikoku, Kyushu four major islands and more than 6,800 other small islands. Waters area of 310,000 square kilometers. Sea area of 1.06 million square kilometers, Seto area of 9,500 square kilometers Utsumi households. The long tortuous coastline, multi Harbor, in the rugged mountains, valleys staggered. Mountains and hills of the total area of 80%. Block the country's more than 160 volcanoes, of which more than 50 are active volcanoes, volcanic earthquake described as a state. Mount Fuji is the country's highest peak, elevation 3,776 meters. Spa across all parts of the country. In many short rivers, abundant water. The longest Shinano River about 367 km. Tonegawa watershed area 16,840 square kilometers. Many small and concentrated fire and deep lagoon, the largest Lake Biwa area of 672.8 square kilometers. As located surrounded by the sea, an ocean of moderate humid monsoon climate, outlast mild and humid, with cold winter, the intense heat of summer. Summer and fall (August through October) and more typhoons, the rainy season in June and more. The average temperature in January in northern -6 ° C, 16 ° C south; July 17 ° C in northern, southern 28 ℃. Annual precipitation 700-3500 mm, a maximum of 4,000 mm and above. Of the total forest area of 66%. Geothermal and rich fishery resources. With the Russian presence "islands" (Russia, "the South Kurile Islands") territorial dispute with South Korea existence of Bamboo Island (South Korea called "Dokdo") territorial dispute.

       Japan's economy:

       Japan is the world's economic powers. Lack of mineral resources, mineral resources, small reserves. Apart from coal, zinc reserves, to a certain extent, the majority rely on imports. Major resources relied on imports to the extent that: coal 95.2%, 99.7% of oil and natural gas 96.4%, iron ore 100%, 99.8% copper, bauxite 100%, 94.9% of lead ore, nickel ore 100% phosphate rock 100%, 85.2% zinc ores.

       Industrial highly developed, is the main pillar of the national economy. Industrial system integrity, the industrial structure to a knowledge and technology-intensive. Industrial output accounts for around 40% of GDP, mainly concentrated in the Pacific region, Beijing creek, Kobe, Beijing and Kitakyushu four major traditional industrial areas in the north after the Kanto, Chiba, Seto households and Chun River Utsumi emerging industrial zone. Maritime transport, aviation, railways, highways are very developed, the chief of 47,000 km railway, highway chief of 1.17 million kilometers (1995).

       Forest area of 25.26 million hectares, accounting for 66% of the total land area, but 55.1% dependent on imported timber, is the world's largest import timber country. Rich in waterpower resources, the total hydropower generating capacity of about 12%. Offshore rich fishery resources, fisheries developed, the highest in the world of fishing. A mechanized agricultural commodity production, product mainly of rice, wheat.

       Japan from the 1950s began to establish a trading nation, approach to development. "WTO", the Japanese started to other Parties and the same equal status. In accordance with the basic principles of the GATT MFN, with the majority of countries and areas of free trade, the Japanese scale of the continuing expansion of foreign trade to create a favorable international market conditions. Since then, the rapid growth of Japan's foreign trade, major trade partners for the United States, Asian countries and the EU countries. Japan's fiscal year from April 1 to March 31 the following year. 2002 gross domestic product of about 4. 2 trillion US dollars and per capita GDP of about 32,900 US dollars.

       Japan's major cities:

       Tokyo: The Japanese capital. Honshu Island in the southern tip of the Kanto Plain, the Northwest Gulf of Tonkin. The political, economic and cultural center and transportation hub. Suburban population includes about 12.29 million (February 2003). Tokyo is one of the world's largest cities, world-renowned modern metropolis. Industries steel, shipbuilding, machinery, electrical equipment, chemicals, textiles, food processing, publishing and printing, precision instruments, electronics, electrical, rubber, leather most developed. Including the University of Tokyo, by more than 100 institutions of higher learning and many scientific research institutions. Tokyo is the country's largest industrial and commercial city, and the Japanese Bridge Ginza area is the most bustling commercial district. Tourism is the famous palace, the Meiji Jingu, Akasaka palace, Ueno Park, Hibiya Park, and Disneyland. Jichibu Tama, the Meiji high-end Fuji Hakone Izu and Ogasawara for the outskirts of the four small natural park. Tsukuba Science City, 60 km from Tokyo. (Tsukuba: Japan's Science City. Located in the northeast of Tokyo, Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the North Hill Tsukuba, are Xiapu Lake. One is about 18 km north-south strip, an area of about 2,700 hectares. Here on the 45 research institutes, two universities and eight private research institutions. " wisdom City "and its). Tokyo, the annual average temperature in January 3 ℃, August average temperature of 25 ° C. Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) and the New Tokyo International Airport (Narita Airport) is the world's major airports.

        Remarks of the Tokyo metropolitan area behind.

       Yokohama: Located in the southeastern island of Honshu. Population 2.841 million. The famous industrial city, the country's second largest city and the harbor is one of the world's leading port.

       Osaka: Located in the southwest of Honshu Island. Population 2.65 million. The country's third largest city, an important commercial and industrial center and transport hub, the western cultural center, Kobe core industrial area. Osaka International Airport is the world's major airports.

       Nagoya: Located in the south-central island of Honshu. Population 2.092 million. Trade is an important center of the wool textile industry and advanced ceramics. World famous harbor.

       Kyoto: in the central and western Honshu Island. Population 1.48 million. Formerly States, Japan's ancient capital and the famous cultural, tourist and industrial city. The textile production, art ceramics and other handicrafts goods famous.

       Kobe: Located in the southwest of Honshu Island. Population 1.375 million. It is important industrial and commercial city and one of the nation's largest harbor, the world's major container ports.

       Chiba: Gulf of Tonkin in the West Bank. Population 900,000. World famous harbor.

       Kitakyushu: Located in the northern part of Kyushu. Population 1.07 million. Former Moji, eight streamers and small stores, if loose, households and fields, five of merger of two Machimura, the largest port city and northern Kyushu industrial and transport center. Recapped Shimonoseki Strait,

       Elevated Railway and Harbor Tieqiao Shimonoseki same with the other side. World famous harbor.

       Famous Japanese tunnel:

       Letter 53.85-km tunnel built in 1984

       The 22.28 km water tunnel built in 1979

       New closed 18.70 km tunnel built in 1975

       Liujia 16.25 km tunnel built in 1972

       Haruna 15.35 km tunnel built in 1982

       Zhongshan 14.90 km tunnel built in 1982

       Japanese culture:

       Japan's unique geographical conditions and a long history, and carries a unique Japanese culture. Cherry, kimono (traditional national costumes), and samurai Haiku, Sake, a Taoist god of the traditional aspects of Japan's two - Chrysanthemum and the Sword. In Japan the famous "three" is the Japanese Tea Ceremony civil, classes, books Road.

       Tea Ceremony: also called tea (tea), has since ancient times as an aesthetic ceremony by the upper class sectors of the immense love. Now, the tea ceremony was used for training on the spirit of ritual behavior or for the general public widely accepted. Japan has many schools teach the techniques of tea ceremony schools, many hotels also have a teahouse, can easily appreciate the tea ceremony and performance.

        The display of the rules and methods of different classes can be divided into more than 20 schools in Japan, many of the schools teach classes techniques schools. In addition, hotels, department stores, public facilities such as the hall premises, can appreciate the beautiful decorative floral art.

       Sumo: from the Japanese Shinto religious ceremony. People in the harvest god of the Parthenon held game, and I look forward to bring good harvests. In the Nara period and safe, sumo is a court spectator sports, and the Kamakura to the Warring States Period, sumo warrior training to become a part of. The 18th century rise of the professional sumo campaign, and now it's very similar to sumo competition. Shinto ceremony that sumo campaign, the stamp ceremony before the game (around) the purpose of the site is to take more Goblins, also play a role in muscle relaxation. The site also spreading salt to achieve the purpose of purifying, because Shinto teachings of salt that can disperse stone. Sumo Competition on the table. The entire table for the square, a central circle, its diameter is 4.55 meters. Competition, as two Guinness beam comb, a pocket of the lower body belt, almost naked power game. Competition in the Guinness except the soles of his feet may not touch any part of the table surface, but also from beyond the circle. Competition in January 2 minutes or even a few seconds can decide the winner and loser. Sumo magistrates composed of a total of six. Referee fans by holding "OK Secretary" of the stage, the remaining five were positive in the east, west and at the magistrate. Hercules is the highest level, "Wang Gang." Below are the barrier, threatening clearance, Summary, the former neck, the four grades called "screen", belonging to the top of the soil.

       Japanese Education:

       The primary system for six years, three years junior high school three years, four years of college two years to three years. A nine-year compulsory education. University National University, public and private universities. Japan is a country attached great importance to education, the status of teachers is very high, the famous University of Tokyo National University there, Kyoto University, Waseda University and Keio University,.

       Japan's major festivals:

       The emperor's birthday: the National Day, December 23 (Emperor Akihito was born on December 23, 1933).

       Statehood Day: Festival era (the start of Japan's era) on February 11.

       Royal Cherry Blossoms Festival:-April.

       Japanese history:

       Traditional Japanese legend tells us that the first generation of Japanese Emperor smart emperor in 660 BC in Japan and the establishment of the imperial throne. In Year 5 and 6 of the century, (sent to Tang) and the China Buddhism began writing text spread to Japan, Japan in a very long time have been deeper impact on Chinese culture. In the meantime, although Japan is the emperor of Japan's rulers, the real power often lies in the strength of nobility or warlords ( "General") hands.

       By the 16th century, Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain and Spain, businessmen and missionaries arrived in Japan. The early 17th century


       具体可以看这个GIANT 女性网站车价大小在买的时候说就可以了,每个产品都有XS~XXL的尺寸 /index.php?section=BIKE%20FINDER公路车:Tcr Advance W、Tcr Alliance W、Aeryn Alliance、Aeryn 1、Aeryn 2、Fcr 1 W、Fcr 2W、Fcr 3W、Avail Advanced 1、Avail Advanced 2、Avail Alliance、Avail 1、Avail 3越野车:Anthem X W、Cypher 1、Cypher 2、Arete、Rainier W、Rincon W、Boilder Se W、Boulder W通勤车:Cypress DX W、Cypress W、Cypress ST W、Sedona DX W、Sedona W、Sedona ST W城市生活:Suede Coasting DX W、Suede Coasting W、Suede DX W、Suede GX W、Suede W、Tran Send DX W、Tran Send EX W、Tran Send W创意:Simple Seven W、Simple Single W复古:Twist Freedom DX W、Twist Freedom W





        Encase 是C#编写开发的为.NET平台提供的AOP框架。Encase 独特的提供了把方面(aspects)部署到运行时代码,而其它AOP框架依赖配置文件的方式。这种部署方面(aspects)的方法帮助缺少经验的开发人员提高开发效率,NKalore是一款编程语言,它扩展了C#允许在.net平台使用AOP。NKalore的语法简单、直观,它的编译器是基于Mono C#编译器(MCS)。NKalore目前只能在命令行或#Develop内部使用。NKalore兼容公共语言规范CLS(Common Language Specification),它可以在任何.NET开发环境中使用,包括微软的Visual Studio .NET。PostSharp读取.NET字节模块,转换成对象模型。让插件分析和转换这个模型并写回到MSIL。PostSharp使开发程序分析应用程序容易得像分析代码规则和设计模式,它使程序开发的思想变革为面向方面软件开发(AOSD/AOD)思想。AspectDNG的目标是为.NET开发人员提供简单而功能强大的AOP-GAOP实现。它效仿java下的开源工具AspectJ 和 Spoon,成熟程度也很接近它们。

       RAIL(Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library) 开源项目可以在C#程序集加载和运行前进行处理控制调整和重新构建。C#在CLR中,我们已经能够动态加载程序集并且获得程序集中的类和方法,RAIL(Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library)的出现填补了CLR处理过程中的一些空白。SetPoint是一款.NET框架下的全功能(full-featured)AOP引擎.它着重为称为语义切点(semantic pointcuts)的定义依赖RDF/OWL的使用.它的功能为一个IL-level,highly dynamic weaver&LENDL,一个引人注目的定义语言、、、、、、

       DotNetAOP为 CLR language提供AOP 框架基础属性。NAop是一个DotNet下的AOP框架。AspectSharp是DotNet下的免费AOP框架,它以Dynamic Proxies和XML作为配置文件。


       Ajax.NET Professional (AjaxPro)是最先把AJAX技术在微软.NET环境下的实现的AJAX框架之一。它在客户端脚本之上创建代理类来调用服务器端的方法。MagicAjax.NET是一款在ASP.NET下创建Web页面提供AJAX技术的框架。它使开发人员很容易把AJAX整合到他们的页面而不需要替换ASP.NET控件或自己写javascript脚本代码。Anthem.NET是为ASP.NET开发环境提供的开源AJAX工具包,它可以运行于ASP.NET 1.1和2.0。


       Workflow.Net是使用微软.Net技术基于wmfc标准的创建工作流引擎。NetBPM是JBpm移植到.net平台下的一款开源工作流软件。NetBpm可以很容易和.Net应用程序集成在一起,可以创建,执行和管理工作流程序。Bpm Tool支持将业务模型转换成软件模型。业务开发人员可以使用模型驱动的方法设计,实现,执行和跟踪业务流程。因此开发人员能够更容易的关注业务逻辑的变化。


       FCKeditor是一款功能强大的开源在线文本编辑器(DHTML editor),它使你在web上可以使用类似微软Word 的桌面文本编辑器的许多强大功能。它是轻量级且不必在客户端进行任何方式的安装。FreeTextBox 是一个基于 Internet Explorer 中 MSHTML 技术的 ASP.NET 开源服务器控件。这是一款优秀的自由软件(Free Software),我们可以轻松地将其嵌入到 Web Forms 中实现 HTML 内容的在线编辑,在新闻发布、博客写作、论坛社区等多种 Web 系统中都会有用途。VietPad是一个功能完整的跨平台的Java/.NET的Vietnamese Unicode开源文本编辑器。支持打开,编辑,打印,转换,排序,和保存基于文本的Unicode格式的Vietnamese文件。NetSpell是一款.NET框架下的开源拼写检查引擎。

       PPC_edit是一款应用在Pocket PC上的开源文本编辑器,它支持TXT, RTF, HTML, WordML, DocBook 和 ZIP格式的文件,屏幕上会显示国际标准的软键盘。


        NovaShare是一款Blog引擎,它使你创建基于交互式的web的新闻和论坛网站,很像WonkoSlice或Slashdot。管理员可以发布文章和发起投票,浏览者可以创建用户帐号,发表议论等等。dasBlog是从BlogX 网上日志引擎发展而来。像Trackback ,Pingback 一样增加许多附加的特征,有完整的Blogger/MovableType API支持,API注释,完整的Radio-style模板定制,支持Mail-To-Weblog/POP3的附件和内嵌,基于WEB的DHTML,OPML,配置的编辑器。DotText是一个被使用了数百个blogs的强劲的blog引擎。这是一个N-tiered应用的例子。tBlogger是一个C#开发的完整的blog网站程序,使用XML配置。

       Ludico是C#编写的居于ASP.NET 2.0的Portal/CMS系统。它的模块化设计是你可以按照你希望的使用或开发网站功能。它里面有高级的用户管理,一个所见即所的(WYSIWYG)的编辑器等。mojoPortal是一款C#开发的面相对象网站框架,它可以运行于Windows的ASP.NET 和GNU/Linux 或Mac OS X的Mono的平台上。

       Cuyahoga是C#开发的灵活的CMS / Portal 解决方案。它可以运行于Microsoft .NET 和Mono 平台,支持SQL Server, PostgreSQL或MySQL作为底层数据库。Umbraco是一款在.net平台下C#开发的开源内容管理系统,该系统效率,灵活,用户界面都不错。Kodai CMS是.NET平台下的一款功能齐全的内容管理系统。Rainbow项目是一款使用Microsoft''s ASP.NET和C#技术开发的有丰富功能的开源内容管理系统。NkCMS是使用ASP.net和Sql server 2000开发的内容管理系统。Amplefile是一款内容管理系统,是.Net环境下的windows应用程序,使用了.Net remoting.Go.Kryo是一个用ASP.NET(C#).NET 实现的简单的内容管理系统,后台数据库使用Microsoft SQL Server 。ndCMS是 ASP.net (C#)下的一个内容管理系统。它提供了用户管理,文件管理,一个WYSIWYG编辑器,模板管理,拼写检查和内置的 和更多的地方快速下载内含的视频和多媒体。它的包含一个强劲IE插件和位于你系统托盘的独立程序。DotNetOpenMail能够使你在微软.net框架开发的asp.net, WinForm应用程序发送Email。它是C#编写的开源组件,它不需要使用System.Web.Mail类库就可以容易的创建带附件HTML和Plain-text的Email。程序员不需要知道很多相关的细节就可以使用不同的字符集或不同的MINE编码来创建multipart/alternative,multipart/related和multipart/mixed的MIME消息。DotMSN是一款独立的开源类库,它不需要和官方的MSN Messenger交互,因此不必安装MSN Messenger就可以使用DotMSN和MSN Messenger服务通信.DotMSN是C#编写的,所以.NET环境支持的语言都能够使用.DotMSN类库使用简单而且实现方便。它灵活,坚固,轻量级利于整合到任何应用系统.使用DotMSN的应用系统能实现从创建消息机器人到自定义客户端等各种不同的功能.如果你的应用程序需要和Messenger服务通信,DotMSN是一个不错的工具.SharpSSH使用C#实现了SSH2协议,它支持SSH, SCP 和 SFTP.OpenPOP.NET一组和POP Servers通信的.NET类库。

       IceChat是为连接多样的IRC Servers设计的Internet Relay Chat Client。


       .NET FTP Client C#开发的类库。OpenSmtp.net 是 C# 开发的开源SMTP组件。它不依赖.NET Framework 的System.Web.Mail 包中的类。允许开发人员使用不同于MS SMTP的SMTP 服务器且提供了web service而可以通过HTTP发送email。


       ODC(#)H是一款C#编写的开源hub software,它功能强大,消耗的资源少且支持插件功能。Dawn of Light (DOL)是第一个开源的Dark Age of Camelot (DAOC)游戏服务器,你可以创建自己的服务器且自己设计游戏内容。DOL使用.Net Framework框架的C#编写,使用XML和MySQL存储数据,支持Windows和Mono平台。

       NeatUpload可以让ASP.NET开发人员把磁盘上的文件通过流的方式上传并且可以监视上传进度。它是开源的且在 Mono''s XSP/mod_mono和微软的ASP.NET下运行得Advanced Data Provider是为ADO.NET提供的动态数据提供者。可以让应用程序透明的访问不同的ADO.NET 数据提供者。

       OJB.NET是一款.NET平台下的对象/关系映射(O/R Mapping)工具。


       OmniPortal基于一种web-portal-kernel(Web门户核心)的思想而构建的开源基础框架,它解决了安全控制、主题和本地化等。你可以基于 OmniPortal 来更容易的创建任意的Web应用系统(例如 ERP, CMS, CRM)。它支持Mono 和.Net 。对于Web开发人员来说,OmniPortal为他们提供了一款优秀的二次开发基础类库。SharpNuke.NET是一款C#开发的基于 ASP.NET 的开源 Portal/CMS。最初是从流行的VB.NET开发的web portal系统DotNetNuke移植过来的的。以后的版本将会兼容 Windows和 Linux Mono。

       Personal .NET Portal是一个基于Web的个人门户系统。它试图提供一种简单的方式建立个人网站,页面使用标签和模板创建。

       My Community Portal提供了一个统一的Internet门户,作为论坛,群组,聊天,你自己的Email,搜索引擎,网络目录,个人主页,投票还有更多的功能入口。






       SharpForge支持协作多个软件项目的开发和管理,它为你的团队提供类似 SourceForge 和 CodePlex的功能。SharpForge是C#开发的.NET 2.0开源项目。User Story.NET是一个Extreme Programming 项目。


       Rss Bandit是C#开发的开源RSS阅读器,它内建多国语系,支持Atom 1.0以及其他各种的RSS feed格式。它画面漂亮,拥有分页浏览功能,软件细部设置弹性度高。它的操作画面直观简单易懂,有一个很好的Command模式和ListViewEx来使用,可让使用者很快的上手。iPodder.NET是一款C#编写的开源媒体收集器,它能自动帮你从互联网上下载音乐,能帮你轻松地从成千上万的音乐中选择你喜欢的。用它设置好订阅RSS feeds后,只要节目一有更新,它就自动下载了,你不必大量的浪费时间自己手工下载。它还整合了iTunes,创建播放列表和iPod同步功能,你可以用Apple iTunes或Media Player播放,也可以把音乐导入到你的iPod或其他MP3播放器中。FeedExpress主要是让你订阅一些RSS/RDF资源,知名的如FeedExpress里的Subscriptions。它和Outlook Express让你订阅一些新闻组是一样的。RSS.NET是一款操作RSS feeds的开源.NET类库。它为解析和编写RSS feeds提供了一个可重用的对象模型。它完全兼容RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 和 2.0.1等版本。GtkSharpRSS是C#开发的开源RSS和RDF客户端,它用于 Mono, Gtk#, 和 RSS.NET。它也可以通过内嵌于Mozilla的窗口来显示内容。

       Atom.NET是一款完全使用C#开发的开源类库,它的目标是提供便捷的方法来操作Arom Feeds。它提供一个对象模型来写入和解析Atom Feeds。它只兼容0.3Atom规范,可以运行于微软.NET 1.x,Mono 0.29 或更高版本。

       NRss是为微软.NET框架和Mono下提供的开源类库,它读取RSS Feeds元素然后以树型结构来展现对象关系。

       Aggie是一个新闻收集器,它是桌面应用程序,可以下载最新的新闻并通过web页面的形式呈现。mail2rss是.NET下的 web service,它在你请求时检查你的电子信箱并返回包含电子信箱里的消息的 RSS feed。它是完全用C#开发的开源项目,没用使用任何第三方控件。


       NxBRE是.NET平台下的一款开源轻量级的业务规则引擎(aka Rule Based Engine),它由正向串行的推理引擎(forward-chaining inference engine)和XML驱动流控制引擎(XML-driven flow control engine)组成.它支持 RuleML 0.9 Naf Datalog 和 Visio 2003 建模。

       SRE (Simple Rule Engine)是.NET下的一款轻量级的开源正向串行的推理规则引擎(forward chaining inference rule engine)。它容易理解,可以解决复杂的问题。








       qlBuddy是C#编写的一款用于Microsoft SQL Server和MSDE的开源工具,使用它可以很容易的编写SQL脚本。SqlBuddy提供的功能和查询分析器的目的有些微不同,它倾向于帮助使用者编写SQL。QueryCommander是一款开源的Sql editor,模拟微软的查询分析器,Visual Studio的环境类型。QueryCommander的特点包括类似IntelliSense功能,自动注释,xml文档模型,xml2data等。SQL Buddy是一款有特色的免费MSDE / Sql Server IDE,它是用.NET框架的C#编写。Database Commander是Windows操作系统下的一款用户界面友好的数据库管理工具。


       NVelocity 是一个以 .NET 为基础的模板引擎。它允许任何人通过简单而强大的模板语言来定义对象。


       NUnit一款单元测试框架,它可以应用于遵循.NET框架标准的所有语言下。NUnit最初是从JUnit移植过来的。NUnit完全使用C#编写且设计时考虑了多数.NET语言的特性,例如自定义属性和其它反射特性。NMock是一款.NET平台下的基于动态代理的Mock模拟对象类库,用于C#开发。Mock对象使测试更简单,它测试单个组件或单个类时不需要其它所有组件真正实现。也就是说我们可以仅仅只是测试一个类,比起测试一个完整的对象关系树更容易查清楚Bug。Mock对象一般用于以测试为驱动的开发当中。TestDriven.NET是一款和Visual Studio .NET无缝结合的测试插件。它可以和NUnit, MbUnit 和 Team System紧密结合。Rhino.Mocks源于EasyMock.Net,它试图提供一种更简单的方法去创建和使用mock objects且使你得到更好的重构支持。它结合了EasyMock.Net和NMock的方式。Dot NetUnit实现了XUnit 测试框架,是.NET平台下的单元测试组件。EasyMock.NET是由Java实现的EasyMock到.net平台的一个移植版本的一组类库。它提供了一个简单的方法用来模拟接口和远程对象。dotunit是JUnit移植到微软.net平台的测试框架。它可以实现自动化测试。NUnitForms是NUnit的扩展。它为Windows Forms应用程序提供单元测试和压力测试,可以容易的用它为你的Windows Forms类进行自动化测试。


       NStruts 是java下大名鼎鼎的struts开源MVC框架的ASP.NET版本,是jakarta struts框架的一部分。Maverick.NET是从Maverick移植来的.NET版本,是一款开源的 Web MVC框架.它专注于MVC逻辑,它支持丰富的模板和转换技术。

       MaverickLite是ASP.Net下的一款简单的开源表现层框架。它在建立在Maverick.Net framework基础上。它使用front controller的方式来处理请求。

       Ingenious MVC ,基于.NET 2.0的构MVC结构的应用程序,它包含即开即用(out-of-the-box)的特性支持ASP.NET和Windows Forms应用程序.它也可以在大多数方法中扩展和定制.Websharp是.NET平台下的一款轻量级应用框架。


       GmailerXP是为Google的Gmail服务提供了全套的工具开源程序。在线所能做的GmailerXP都允许用户做,它也整合了你任何时候在Gmail需要的其它一些程序的特点(GML, Gmailto,等)。

       RemoteCalendars是C#开发的为Outlook 2003/2007提供的一款开源 COM-.NET 插件。安装完这款插件后,Outlook的用都可以用Outlook 2003/2007订阅、重新读取和删除远程iCalendar(RFC 2445)。

       SharpWebMail是一款C#编写的ASP.NET下的EMail客户端。它通过POP3服务器接收邮件,通过SMTP服务器发送邮件。它的配置很简单(只需要在web.config 里面做几个设置)。


       NUnitAsp是一款自动测试 ASP.NET页面的开源工具. 它是从NUnit扩展来的。



       DevHawk Wiki是一款.NET平台下由C#实现的开源Wiki引擎。

       ProntoWiki是使用VWD (Visual Web Developer)编写的C#开源wiki引擎,ASP.NET 2.0 和 SQLExpress 2005作为后台。Wiki引擎速度快且容易使用,提供了和 rich text editor 一样的文本标记( text markup )功能。它可以自动通过web接口接收和文件作为附件。另外,ProntoWiki的特点还有页面可以在贴出或更新之前预览,基于角色的用户认证,使用 web parts 自定义外观和布局,历史跟踪,和功能查询。FlexWiki是一款使用.NET技术(C#和ASP.NET)编写实现的开源多人协作的写作工具。Thufir提供了字处理和文档链接功能。它类似Wiki-Wiki ,且它具有“所见即所得”的界面。它还可以通过和Word交互来利用Word的拼写检查功能。


       NASA World Wind 是C#开发的个人电脑上的开源的3D图形虚拟地球系统。它结合了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)从卫星拍摄的图像,这些图像应用于Blue Marble, Landsat 7, SRTM, MODIS 以及其它更多的地方。

       其它C#开源项目DockPanel Suite是一款开源的.Net Windows Forms开发环境下的停靠控件(docking)类库。它模仿Visual Studio .Net的效果开发的。wx.NET是基于.NET通用语言基础结构 (CLI)的开源项目。它致力于开发一个基于.NET的GUI库,它按照wxWidgets的类层次用C#编写,可以在多种CLI下执行,包括.NET,Mono,和DotGNU Portable.NET。MMC .NET类库是为Windows的MMC+Snapin开发提供支持而包装的一套开源类库。DPAToolkit(Design Pattern Automation Toolkit)是应用设计模式设计应用程序的开源工具包,它有便捷的代码生成,反向工程功能。拖拽(Drag and Drop)方式便捷的创建UML类图。支持为代码生成,反向工程编写自定义插件。mjbWorld 是一款开源的3D编辑器,它允许用户通过图形界面的选择和拖拽方式来编辑图形。它基于和应用X3D与VRML标准。该软件目的用于利用建立开放免费程序建立3D世界。同时它也可以用于其他免费开放软件程序之间进行数据交换。mjbWorld有Java, C# 和C++ /Qt等版本。MonoCalendar是.NET平台下的开源日历程序,它的目的是为Mac平台之外的其它平台提供一款类似iCal的日历程序。Data Tier Generator是一款微软 .NET平台下的开源项目,它为访问SQL Server 2000而生成存储过程的SQL Server 2000脚本和C#类。这些存储过程包含了Insert, Update, Delete, Select, 根据PK的Select, 根据FK的Select的SQL脚本。Finisar.SQLite是.NET框架下的一款为存取SQLite-Databases提供的ADO.NET Data Provider。Math.NET的目标是为提供一款自身包含清晰框架的符号运算和数学运算/科学运算,它是C#开发的开源类库。Math.NET含了一个支持线性代数的解析器,分析复杂微分,解方程等等功能。Ascii Generator dotNET (ascgen2)是一款把转换成高质量的ASCII字符组合(ASCII art - text)。第一个版本支持变形和粗体字体,和实时调节输出。GPSProxy是.NET Compact Framework下的开源程序。它通过COM口在Pocket PC之间拷贝GPS数据,可以把GPS数据格式从NMEA 0183转换成Garmin GPS。它是基于.NET Fra的Windows版本。FOP C# Port这是Apache居于java的 XSL-FO 格式转换器的C#版本。它采用并扩展了XSL-FO标准使FOPs在可以嵌入.NET CLR管理代码应用。14:18 浏览 (1263) 评论 (0) 分类: c# 2008-04-16缩略显示ASP.NET下载文件(弹出打开保存文件对话框)ASP.NET下载文件(弹出打开保存文件对话框) //fileURL为带路径的文件全名 System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileURL); Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","attachment;filename="+Server.UrlEncode(fileInfo.Name.ToString())); Response.AddHeader("content-length",fileInfo.Length.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default; Response.WriteFile(fileURL); 无错版: try ...{ FullFileName = Server.MapPath(FileName); //FileName--要下载的文件名 FileInfo DownloadFile= new FileInfo(FullFileName); if(DownloadFile.Exists) ...{ Response.Clear(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.Buffer=false; Response.ContentType="application/octet-stream"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=" +HttpUtility.UrlEncode(DownloadFile.FullName,System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)); Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length",DownloadFile.Length.ToString()); Response.WriteFile(DownloadFile.FullName); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } else ...{ //文件不存在 } } catch ...{ //文件不存在 }

       XC:竞技入门XTC,专业竞技ATX8,XTC Advanced;





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