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ysladmin 2024-06-21 人已围观

简介ideally_ideally放在句首       大家好,我是小编,今天我要和大家分享一下关于ideally的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就一起来看看吧。1.typically可以用什么替换2.英






4.电气专业英语翻译 急 在线等




       classically,commonly,generally,normally,essentially,ideally,averagely,ordinarily, naturally,regularly...


        How you monitor and predict earthquakes , how you ' ve made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer

        他们向中国学习如何监测和 预报地震 ,学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治疗方面是如何取得这么多成就的。

        How you monitor and predict earthquakes , how you ' ve made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer

        他们来中国学习如何监测和 预报地震 ;学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治疗方面是怎样取得如此巨大成就的。

        Ideally , one day , researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes and the nature of particular faults to predict quakes directly

        最理想的情况是,有朝一日研究人员能够对地震的成因及具体断层的性质有足够的了解,从而能够直接 预报地震 。

        But we can identify earthquake zones even if we cannot predict earthquakes and we can look forward to summer even if we cannot forecast the weather on 4 june next

        但是` ,即使咱们没法 预报地震 ,也能确定地震带;尽管咱们没法预测明年6月4曰的天气,但却能预见夏天的到来。

        Tokyo ( ap ) ? it ' s still beyond the reach of science to predict exactly when an earthquake will strike , but japan will soon get the next - best thing ? televised warnings that e before anyone feels the ground shake

        东京(美联社) :科学尚未达到准确 预报地震 发生时间的地步,但日本很快将做到仅次于次:在人们感觉到地震之前以电视广播发布预警信息。

        The system ? the first of its kind in the world ? does not predict quakes , but officials say it can give people enough time to get away from windows that could shatter , or to turn off ovens and prevent fires from razing homes

        这个全球首创的系统并不能 预报地震 ,但是官方宣称它能给人们足够的时间从易坏的窗户逃离,或关闭烤炉而防止家里发生火灾。

        The beginning and development of monitoring and predicting earthquake from 1970 to 1976 in sichuan province and the typical example for the protecting against earthquakes are described in this paper

        摘要记述了1970 ~ 1976年四川地震群测群防的兴起和发展,介绍了四川群测群防、专群结合预测 预报地震 的典型事例,特别对松潘平武7 . 2级地震预测预报群测群防的作用作了反映。

        Combined with some previous results , we have generapzed prepminarily the dynamic evolution characteristics of stress field in the focal region and its adjacent area before moderate and strong earthquakes , and tried to give out the judgement index of earthquake prediction with the prehensive mechani *** solution of *** all earthquake

        结合前人的有关研究成果,综合归纳了中、强地震前震源区及附近应力场的动态演变特征,并尝试给出了小震综合机制解参数 预报地震 的判据指标。


       一般情况,上半年报名时间一般为2月底至3月底,下半年报名时间一般为8月底至9月底。 考试时间: 笔试在每年6月和12月各一次;口试在笔试前进行,每年5月和11月各一次。 英语四六级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的英语考试。


       大学英语四级要求掌握单词ideally,adv. 理想地;观念上地。

       1、Ideally, that would not be so.但理想上本可不必如此。

       2、Ideally, how would you like everything to be run?理想化地说,你希望一切如何运转?

       3、Ideally, you could go online, pick out what breed you want, and it would come to your door with a red bow on it.最理想地是,你可以在网上挑选你想饲养的宠物,它会带着一个红色的蝴蝶结来到你的门前。

       4、Actually, I suppose to get ideally married under the open sky, under a Chuppah, gather people under the open sky.实际上,我理想中的婚礼就是,在户外的天空和犹太传统的彩棚下进行,人们聚集在蓝天下。

       5、so ideally I sort of want to get a Ph.D with sociology so that I can go international travel,所以,理想状态下,我有点想要拿到社会学的博士学位,这样我就可以跨国旅游了。

电气专业英语翻译 急 在线等



       Marriage Partnerships


       Traditionally, the woman has held a low position in marriage partnerships.


       While her hu *** and went his way she had to wash, stitch and sew.


       Today the move is to liberate the woman,which may in the end strengthen the marriage union.


       Perhaps the greatest obstacle to friendship in marriage is the amount a couple usually see ofeach other.


       Friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily, year-long cohabitation.


       Couples need to take up separate interests as well as mutually shared ones,if they are not to get used to the more attractive elements of each other's personalities.


       Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests—being amusing, discussing withpassion and point—and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone.

       已婚夫妇在来客人的时候会竭尽全力招待客人,谈话时充满 *** ,幽默风趣,谈话充满智慧,但是客人离开后便陷入了沉默的,无话可说的状态。

       As in all friendship,a hu *** and and wife must try to interest each other,and to spend sufficient time sharing absorbing activities to give them continuing mon interests.


       But at the same time they must spend enough time on separate interests with separate people to preserve and develop their separate personalities and keep their relationship fresh.


       For too many highly intelligent working women,home represents chore obligations,because the hu *** and only tolerates her work and does not participate in household chores.


       For too many highly intelligent working men,home represents dullness and plaints—from an over-dependent wife who will not gather courage to make her own life.


       In such an atmosphere,the partners grow further and further apart,both love and liking disappearing.


       For too many couples with children,the children are allowed to mand all time and attention,allowing the couple no time to develop liking and friendship,as well as love,allotting them exclusive parental roles.



       Love, Grows in Marriage 爱情,在婚姻的殿堂中成长

       Social scientists have observed that marriages typically move through a series of at least four stages. Each stage presents unique learning opportunities and blessings, along with challenges and obstacles.


       Stage One – Romance, Passion and Promise

       第一阶段——浪漫, *** ,承诺

       In the beginning of a relationship partners often municate effortlessly and at length. They seem to intuit each other’s needs and wishes and go out of their way to please and surprise each other. Couples begin to develop a strong sense of “we.”


       Individual differences are minimized, if noticed at all; partners are very accepting. Joy, excitement, happiness and hope abound.


       Partners present and elicit their best selves. Life seems promising. It is a time of sharing dreams and romance. This is a time to be remembered and cherished.


       Stage Two – Settling down and Realization


       The high energy and intensity of Stage One inevitably give way to the ordinary and routine.

       第一阶段的热情和 *** 不可避免地被随之而来的生活琐事所磨灭。

       Ideally, in Stage Two couples learn to deepen their munication skills. They work to understand and express their wants, needs, and feelings.


       They learn to be honest and vulnerable and to listen actively to each other.


       They bee aware of differences not noticed previously and develop strategies for dealing with them. Couples learn about give and take, negotiation and acmodation.


       Stage Three – Rebellion and Power Struggles


       Spouses cannot always live up to each other’s expectations. They will disappoint and unintentionally hurt each other.


       They now bee intensely aware of their differences and may use control strategies to bring back the desired balance.


       Power struggles are mon. Blame, judgment, critici *** and defensiveness are likely outes.


       Fear and anxiety enter the relationship. Couples’ thinking can narrow into right/wrong, good/bad polarities.


       Ideally, couples learn about forgiveness and acmodation in this stage. They learn to deal constructively with anger and hurt. A supportive munity bees especially important.


       Stage Four – Discovery, Reconciliation, and Beginning Again


       Couples can push through the previous stage through deepened munication, honesty and trust.


       Ideally, they discover and create a new sense of connection. They learn more about each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities.


       They learn to identify and talk about their fears instead of acting them out. They refuse to judge or blame their partner; they translate their plaints into requests for change.


       Partners see each other in a new light, as gifted and flawed, just as they themselves are gifted and flawed. Empathy and passion increase. They learn to appreciate and respect each other in new ways; they learn not to take each other for granted.


       They find a new balance of separateness and togetherness, independence and intimacy. A new hope and energy return to the relationship.


       Additional Challenges and Stages


       Many couples will encounter additional life cycle stages. Just like marriage, creating a family will face many challenges.


       It is another opportunity to learn about cooperation and being a team, about dealing with differences and conflicts, and about taking time to pause and choose.


       Parenting is a spiritual journey that involves not only the growth of the children but the growth of the parents. Like marriage, it will have many opportunities to surrender and die to self, to let go and to grieve.


       Other life cycle challenges include illness, unemployment and other financial crises, retirement, and the death of one’s partner. Many couples must take care of the older generation while letting go of the younger one.


       Growth throughout the marital journey requires openness and flexibility. Faith requires trust and surrender. Even if we cannot see the entire road and where it will end, we need to have clarity to take the next few steps.




       1. They are more understanding during the difficult times.


       For couples sharing a mon career interest, for example lawyers or engineers, the partners can better understand the hard times that one has to go through and the struggle to even earn for living.


       The partners also understand how hectic the work can get and be easy with the tough schedule of their partner or might even get one theirself according to their routine. It’s something like having your lover also as your best friend.

       他们还能理解工作会变得多么繁忙, 理解他们伴侣的忙绿的时间表,甚至能够根据自己的例常得出他们自己的一张来。这感觉就像你的爱人也是你最好的朋友一样。

       These understandings do not only play a motivational role but also the couples can work as an assistant for each other by being of some good help during difficult times.


       2. They have perfect holidays and weekends.


       For couples having similar favorite adventures or hobbies, they can spend their holidays and weekends with all the fun and excitement.


       Imagine both partners crazy about cycling, rock climbing or even travelling. They can spend their holidays or weekends without having to promise each other’s interest. They can help each other with something they know well about f.e. a sport and foster their love in their mutual love for the game.


       3. They always have something to share together.


       Generally, the couples having mon interests have more mon topics to talk about and share ideas on. Their similar choices that could range from sports to academic fields, keeps them engaged in a conversation that they both love to have.


       They can have a good dinner table talk, visit a theatre because they both love to or maybe keep dancing to some music. Having topics of similar interest not only helps the couples have a good conversation but it also interestingly keeps them thinking of their partner whenever something related es across them.


       4. They know the personality of their partner better.


       Such couples generally get to spend more time together than other couples because they have so many things in mon. Just as mentioned above, such couples can spend their holidays doing something that both of them love.


       While spending more time together, the partners get the chance to learn more about the inner personhood of their partner. These learnings can be really helpful in deciding how to handle the relationship in a matured way. Understanding each other’s personality is not only important in making the relationship last for a longer time but also helps both of them live happily together.


       5. They have personal growth within the same space.


       Relationships play a significant role in motivating people to achieve their goals. In a relationship, when both the partners share similar interests, one can assist the other grow not only career wise but also as a person in whole.


       The couples can learn from each other and even struggle or live through the hard times together. Each of them can work as a helping hand to the other, in a way helping both grow in a mon way. With all these motivational factors and their working together to achieve the mon goal, efforts from two should definitely bring better fruits.


       6. They create unforgettable memories together.


       In a relationship when both the partners have attraction, interest or love for a mon thing, they tend to explore such things. This will not only make the couples content with their relationship but also helps them create unforgettable memories.


       7. They have expert’s opinion when needed.


       Interestingly, for couples having mon interests, one can guide the other in times of difficulty or confusion. One can play the role of an expert and deliver good advice at times of need because of their earlier experiences on the subject, which is quite mon for people with mon interests.


       This however, will also make the partners dependent on each other or in another sense respect each other for their support, which in turn gives rise to the feeling of being patible with each other. One can also learn from the mistakes of the other. These traits are very essential for enduring relationships with the partners assisting each other in times of trouble with solutions they really know about.


       8. They have a long-lasting relationship.


       The couples sharing mon interests understand each other’s troubles better, always have something to share with each other and get to spend lots of time together, all of which we have already discussed in the article.


       Interestingly, these characteristics lead to a much stronger bond because both the partners feel connected, attracted and loving towards each other exactly because of their mon interests.


       These traits really help in making the relation more beautiful and lasting for a longer time. With many things in mon and a better understanding of each other, the partners love spending more time with each other. This helps them create a life-long bond.


       When lightning strikes a transmission line or the overhead ground wire that shields the line, a very high voltage surge will usually occur on the transmission line. To protect transformers and other electrical apparatus in substation from damaging, a lightning arrester (also called surge arrester) is designed to limit the over-voltage that may occur across them due either to lightning or switching surges.当闪电击中电力线或架空屏蔽接地线的时候,通常将在电力线上会产生一个很大的高压浪涌.为了保护变电站的变压器及其他电力设备不被损坏,人们设计了一种避雷器(又称浪涌吸收器)来限制由于雷击或开关切换时的浪涌在电力设备上产生的过电压.The upper end of the arrester is connected to the line or the terminal of the apparatus that has to be protected , while the lower end is solidly connected to ground. Ideally, a lightning arrester clips any voltage in excess of a specified maximum, by permitting a large current, if need be, to be diverted to ground.避雷器的上端要接在欲保护的电力线或电力设备的接线端子上,而其下端要可靠接地.理想的避雷器可以根据需要允许大电流旁路接地,消除出现超过规定的最高电压值的情况.In this way the arrester absorbs energy from the incoming surge. The E-I characteristic of an ideal lightning arrester is, therefore, a horizontal line whose level corresponds to the maximum permissible surge voltage. In practice the E-I characteristic slopes upwards, but is still considered to be reasonably flat. 这样避雷器就吸收了外来浪涌的能量.因此,理想的避雷器的E-I特性曲线应该是一条水平直线,直线水平高度对应的是最高允许浪涌电压.实际的避雷器E-I特性曲线是一条向上的,但仍可以看作很平坦的斜线.

       ======很晚了,翻到此吧.抛砖引玉,以供参考. 65岁退休老人
