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pilot projects

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pilot projects

       在接下来的时间里,我将尽力为大家解答关于pilot projects的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些思考。关于pilot projects的话题,我们开始讲解吧。



pilot projects


       程小岛 李江海

       (北京大学石油与天然气研究中心,北京 100871;E-mail:chengxiaodao@126.com)

       摘 要:委内瑞拉是世界上油气资源相对丰富的国家,目前原油产量占世界原油总产量的3%,约占欧 佩克产量的10%,其中位于东委内瑞拉盆地的奥里诺科重油带(Orinoco heavy oil belt)其可采储量为236 BBO(占全球总量的54.4%),是目前世界上最大的重油富集带。卡拉沃沃(Carabobo)油气田位于重油带最 东部,地质储量为261×108t,重油资源丰富,本文主要介绍卡拉沃沃油气田石油地质特征。卡拉沃沃区域构 造简单,仅有两条主要的断裂,断裂对油气的运移、聚集基本不起控制作用,使油气得以很好的保存。油气 田以地层沉积尖灭形成的圈闭为主,构造位于Barrancas和Soledad古隆起,由一系列北倾的单斜组成。其最 主要的沉积相为辫状河、分流河道以及分流河道间相,沉积物主要的运移方向是朝北或北东向。由于河流和 三角洲沉积相的多相性,储层结构总体上来说很复杂,储层砂岩是弱固结的细粒至粗粒石英砂质岩,平均孔 隙度在32%,渗透率在(4~20)×10-3μm2之间,具有良好的储集性。卡拉沃沃共有6个区块,其中2个区 块分别于1983年和1999年开始生产,另外4个区块未开发,未来开发潜力巨大。


       Geologic Characteristic of Carabobo Oil Field Orinao Heavy Oil Belt

       ChengXiaodao,Li Jianghai

       (oil & gas Research centre,Peiking University,Beijing 100871,China)

       Abstract:Venezuela is very rich in oil and gas resources,its oil yield amounts to 3% of the output of the world and 10% of OPEC.Orinoco heavy oil belt in East Venezuela Basin,with recoverable reserve of 236 BBO(amounts to 54.4% of the world),is the largest heavy oil enriched area in the world.Carabobo oil field,located in the east of Orinoco heavy oil belt,has abundant heavy oil resources,with heavy oil of 1778×108bbl.This paper is mainly in the geologic characteristic of Carabobo oil field,tectonic setting in Carabobo area is simple.There are only two main faults,and these faults have little effects on oil-gas migration and aggregation,which provide better reserve conditions.The main trapping mechanism in the Carabobo area is stratigraphic by depositional pinch-out.The structure consists of a simple N-dipping homocline located between the Barrancas and Soledad paleohighs.And main sedimentary facies are branching channel,distributary channel The prevailing sediment transport direction was towards the north to northeast.Reservoir architecture is in general jigsaw-puzzle to labyrinth,owing to the predominance of heterogeneous fluvial and deltaic depositional systems.Reservoir sands are unconsolidated,fine-to coarse-grained quartz arenites,with average porosity of 32% and permeabilities of(4-20)×10-3μm2,which have good qualities.Carabobo oil field has six blocks,two of them came onstream in 1983 and 1999,respectively.Other four blocks have not developed yet,which have a huge development potential.

       Key words:Carabobo oil field;geologic characteristic;Orinoco heavy oil belt


       奥里诺科重油带因南面的奥里诺科河而得名,是世界上最大的重油聚集区之一。作为非常规油气,重油已经吸引了众多的目光,目前CNPC正在积极参与委内瑞拉奥里诺科重油带的评价和开发,其中有 涉及到位于卡拉沃沃区的MPE3区块[1]。所以对于重油油田地质特征的研究也显得尤为重要。

       1 卡拉沃沃油气田概况

       奥里诺科重油带位于东委内瑞拉盆地边缘隆起带;南与圭亚那地盾相邻,向北进入大奥菲辛纳(Oficina)油区,是一个分布面积广、产油区连片的含油带(图1)。自西向东分别为Boyaca(原名 Machete)、Junin(原名Zuata)、Ayacucho(原名Hamaca)和Carabobo(原名Cerro Negro)。重油地质储 量为1.36千亿桶,可采储量为236 BBO(占全球总量的54.4%),其中,已探明可采储量为37 BBO(Oil & Gas Journal,2005-11-21)。

       图1 东委内瑞拉盆地构造剖面图[2]

       其中,卡拉沃沃区位于重油带最东部(图2),共划分6个区块(图3),总面积2665km2,地质储 量约261×108t(1778×108bbl)。其中有2个区块已投入开发,面积353km2,储量约81×108t(551× 108bbl);有4个未开发区块,面积2312km2,储量约180×108t(1227×108bbl)[1]。

       图2 奥里诺科重油带大油气田分布图[1]

       图3 奥里诺科重油带大油气田分区图[1]

       2 卡拉沃沃油气田构造和圈闭

       卡拉沃沃地区主要是地层沉积尖灭形成的圈闭。构造位于Barrancas和Soledad古隆起,由一系列 3°~4°北倾的单斜组成[10],并且被W-E和SW-NE向北倾的正断层分裂(图4、图5和图6)。

       图4 奥里诺科重油带构造发育图[2]

       3 卡拉沃沃油气田储层结构和性质

       卡拉沃沃区块,奥菲辛纳组可分为三个段:Morichal,Yabo-Jobo和Pilon(图7)。继而又可分为13 个地层单元或者储集区域,从老至新编号从0-16至0-4。Morichal又非正式的划分为上下两段。奥菲辛纳组平均厚度为940ft,向南减薄超覆于圭亚那地盾,向东超覆于Barrancas隆起。Morichal段25-320ft厚,平均217ft[12],Yabo-Jobo和Pilon段分别厚295ft和165ft,朝北逐渐变厚。

       图5 奥里诺科重油带区域构造剖面图(BB′位置见图4)[2]



       在卡拉沃沃区块中部,沉积相主要为分流河道相,三角洲前缘相,海侵障壁沙坝相,天然堤相以及 泛滥平原沼泽相。沉积物主要的运移方向是朝北或北东向,但由于河流的弯曲以及不同河道原始方向的 不同,运移方向有一些变动[9]。Fiorillo(1987)描述了西部地区一个主要的分流系统,其向北进入三角 洲平原相以及潮汐三角洲前缘相。在卡拉沃沃地区最主要的沉积相为辫状河、分流河道以及分流河道间 相,伴随沉积有泛滥平原泥岩(图8)。

       由于河流和三角洲沉积相的多相性,奥里诺科重油带的储层结构总体上来说很复杂(图9)。在河 流相主导的下奥菲辛纳组砂岩中,堆叠的河道相砂由南向北连续存在。然而,河道在这种赋存限制的间 隔中,在东西向也侧向结合在一起。所以,储层结构是永久的难题。在Oficina组的中部和上部,砂体 在南北流向上是更为连续的。河道相在南北向是侧向分离的,并且因此储层是复杂的形态。在区域度量 范围内,单独的沉积中心被包围在切割的峡谷中或者随着地势较低部位,在东西方向被分离。四个发展 区域的观察中心和厚度变化是这种区域控制的一种反映。

       卡拉沃沃区域的储层砂岩是弱固结的,细粒至粗粒石英砂质岩。中粒至粗粒砂岩在河道和河谷沉积 O-16层序中发现。最普遍的自生矿物是高岭石(平均含量:10%),同时有少量的碳酸盐岩、黄铁矿 及微量绿泥石、伊利石和蒙脱石。主要粘合物质是沥青。

       Oficina组的孔隙是粒间孔,在28%~35%变化范围内,平均32%,渗透率在(4~20)×10-3μm2 之间。Moricha组平均孔隙度在32%,渗透率5616×10-3μm2,平均水饱和度为10%。在高度弱固结的 砂岩中进行渗透率的测量非常困难,但是细节研究指示除局部渗透率大于50%。可靠的分析指出储层 砂岩的渗透率很少小于7000×10-3μm2。最好的储层体现在O-12到O-14河流的和分布的河道砂岩 中,其孔隙度高达35%,渗透率大于2000×10-3μm2(图10)。

       图8 卡拉沃沃区域测井曲线[9]



       图10 Morichal组砂岩孔渗特征图,显示储层岩性 特征到沉积环境的关系[9]

       河流-河道沉积比三角洲河道沉积储层性能更 好,主要因为它们的粒度更大。

       Morichal组弱固结的砂岩与页岩有相似的密度和 速率值,导致较低的声阻差别,然而煤层和强硬层显 示较强的地震波阻抗差别,这样可以被普遍被探测 到,并应用与时间-深度校准(图11)。

       4 结论

       卡拉沃沃油气田的区域构造背景和断裂系统总体 比较简单,仅有两条主要的断裂,对油气的运移、聚 集基本不起控制作用,有利于油气藏的保存。油气田 以岩性圈闭为主,局部受构造控制,储层结构复杂但 储层物性良好,具有良好的储集能力。卡拉沃沃油气 田现仅2个区块进行开发,另有4个区块尚未开发,开发潜力巨大。

       图11 卡拉沃沃区域合成地震图谱,最明显的声阻差异表现在低密度煤层和高密度强硬层[13]


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       [9]Santos,C.A.,1991,Geology of the experimental production project BEP 0-16 Cerro Negro Area,Orinoco Belt,in Meyer,R.F.,ed.,Heavy Crude and Tar Sands-Hydrocarbons for the 21st Century:UNITAR,p.321-356.

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       Road intersection has been a bottleneck to the city congestion problem, different direction of the vehicle where the confluence and distribution, road base plane road facilities to increase speed lags far behind the growth rate of the vehicle, and the intersection of the lines to be a reasonable set of queuing vehicles at intersections is increased played a crucial role, also has the very big help to further ease the traffic pressure. In recent years, our country in the intersection area of research on how to make full use of the space of lines to be reduced congestion of vehicles and achieved good results, but also some pilot projects in the city.



       Hangzhou city is nationally renowned for its vehicles crowded city, the number of vehicles per kilometre of road also reached the top, so in contrast to many of the road intersection, the typical intersections in Xihu District - the ancient Pier Road and Tianmushan road intersection. Two city roads, the peak day and peak of the vehicle is very obvious, especially in the morning peak and evening peak, traffic and pedestrian are very dense, the traffic congestion problem is serious. Therefore, after the peak period of peace in the peak of the ancient Pier Road and Tianmushan road of study and investigation, the use of collected data and signal timing optimization settings on the intersection of the lines to be further optimized. And the intersection is mainly the left turning vehicles and vehicle straight conflict occurred more, and in the period of peak traffic, pedestrians on the vehicle also had a relatively large disturbances. In this paper, after full argument, based on the existing road conditions and road conditions and traffic organization optimization design scheme is put forward on the road of their waiting area.

       分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习




        One of the Pudong's development is to build Lujiazui, a 28 square kilometer area, into a financial, mercial and trade zone. As the only development zone entitled "finance and trade zone" in China, Lujiazui has been endowed with all the pilot projects since the development of the Pudong New Area. Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone will be built into a financial and trade center of China, even of the world. It is the showcase of the greatest achievements of China's reform and opening up. Looking at Lujiazui across the river from the Bund, you may find it a wide stage where the dream of several generations will e true. The most important financial, mercial and trade center in the Far East and the Pacific Rim for the next century will grow up right here. It is the hope of this century; it is the pride of the next.

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